Wicomico Recovery Plan 2020 -2021

41 BUILDING USAGE DURING VIRTUAL LEARNING • Staff and approved students for small group instruction • Visitors by appointment only with visitor procedures posted on front doors • Screening questions for everyone prior to entering a building STAFFING ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES With instruction taking place in a virtual environment for the start of the 2020-2021 school year, the roles and responsibilities of all staff members are subject to review and revision to ensure that staff are best positioned to serve the needs of students. The school system will also carefully review any vacancies and potential hires to ensure that careful decisions on the use of the system’s resources aremade. Specifics related to staff roles, schedules, workspaces, and responsibilities will be determined and communicated to staff by supervisors and/or school-based administrators. Staff will work collaboratively with school-based administrators and/or supervisors to confirmwork locations based on a number of factors that include but are not limited to the needs of students, appropriate staffing of WCPS buildings, accountability, contact tracing, and the disinfecting, cleaning, and maintaining of facilities.