Wicomico Recovery Plan 2020 -2021

44 Part V: Path to Recovery While we will start the year in a virtual learning environment, we will continue to monitor the ongoing health situation and return to in-person instruction, most likely using a hybridmodel, as soon as conditions allow. As stated in the Executive Summary, the decision regarding that transition will take into account the prevalence of the pandemic; preferences and experiences of students, staff and parents/guardians during the initial weeks of school; and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Maryland Department of Health, the Wicomico County Health Department and the Maryland State Department of Education. On the New School Year Registration survey inmid-summer, the vast majority of parents preferring the hybridmodel chose the schedule of having their student in school two days every week. We have been developing and will continue to develop this model in preparation for returning to our buildings. Plans are currently being finalized to safely bring in small groups of students for face-to-face instruction in our schools. The following opportunities are currently scheduled to begin in late September/early October, or are currently being discussed: • Instruction for students with the most restrictive LREs on their IEPs (LREs B & C) and students in alternate curricula as designated on IEPs, with a focus on students in grades 3-12 in the first phase of small groups. • To strategically provide face-to-face services for English Language Learners while meeting health and safety requirements for both students and staff, a 4-phase plan has been developed. Phase 1 (beginning Sept. 23): ELL students grades K-12 requiring testing, by appointment at the English Language Support Center. Phase 2 (beginning Oct. 6): 26 identified ELL Newcomer students will report to the Center Tuesday/Thursday mornings for face-to-face instruction in science and social studies. Phase 3 (later date TBD): Center will invite an additional 26 students on Monday/Friday for face- to-face instruction in English and math. Phase 4 (later date, determined by pandemic precautions and guidance): ELLs in grades K-12 identified by ESOL teachers/school leadership teams as requiring additional pull out services will be provided the opportunity to receive some in-person instruction. • For Career and Technology (CTE) courses at Parkside High School we will begin inviting students to campus beginning Oct. 7 or earlier if conditions allow. Classroom and laboratory rooms will be used by students and staff while practicing social distancing, the use of approved PPE, and routine sanitation procedures that are implemented. Student and teacher participation in face-to-face instruction is voluntary. Transportation for the students who wish to return is available. Students will attend on Wednesday for either a morning or afternoon session with their teacher for a period of up to two hours. • Internet cafés at select schools, to ensure access to virtual learning for students without internet at home • Select Advanced Placement science labs and Honors Astronomy, in-person laboratory experiences for small groups starting Sept. 30. Laboratory spaces will be populated at under 50% capacity and all PPE, physical distancing and sanitation protocols will be followed. • High school math courses will begin providing in-person opportunities to receive tutoring and remediation with small groups of students starting Sept. 30. Instructional spaces will be populated at under 50%capacity and all PPE, physical distancing, and sanitation protocols will be followed. Middle school math courses will begin offering similar opportunities in subsequent weeks. • 11 th grade students who registered for the PSAT/NMSQT will be on campuses on Oct. 14 for morning and afternoon administrations of the assessment. Various locations throughout the building will be used by students and staff while practicing physical distancing guidelines to ensure students are grouped appropriately with approved accommodations. The use of PPE and sanitation requirements will be implemented. • Following a graduation assessment audit, seniors needing to complete Bridge projects as an alternate pathway for graduation are being invited onto campus to work in small physically distanced groups. PPE and sanitation requirements will be implemented.