Wicomico Recovery Plan 2020 -2021

7 Requirement #8 : Local school systems must follow safety protocols for collection of materials, cleaning of schools and other facilities, daily cleaning, and nutrition as established by MSDE in collaboration with the Maryland Department of Health and the CDC guidance. Requirement #9 : Local school systems must follow protocols for the safe transportation of students to and from school. Requirement #10 : Local school systems must develop a system for tracking attendance when students are engaged in virtual learning. Requirement #11 : Each local school system must develop its own plan for communication. Requirement #12 : The COVID- 19 Checklist (Appendix A of Maryland’s Recovery Plan) must be utilized in the development of the recovery plan. Requirement #13 : The Maryland Public Secondary School Athletic Association (MPSSAA) Roadmap forwarded for interscholastic athletics and activities must align with the MSDE and the local school system’s educational and health and safety decisions in order for education-based athletics and activities to resume during Stage One and Stage Two of the Governor’s Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery.