Wicomico Recovery Plan 2020 -2021

9 RECOVERY PLANNING WORK GROUPS In conjunction with these stakeholder work groups, the school system surveyed parents/guardians and staff in early summer about their perspectives on returning to school in the fall as well as access to technology. Information was also shared about three instructional scenarios being considered: Red Model (all virtual), Yellow Model (combination of in-school and at-home instruction, with an all virtual option), and Green Model (fully open in schools). Feedback from parents and staff was solicited through a preregistration process specifically focused on preferences within a hybrid model for a return in the fall. The preregistration considerations were shared with the community during the Superintendent’s Report at the July 14, 2020 meeting of the Board of Education. The school system also surveyed school-based staff about return-to-instruction plans. As a result of the feedback from school families and staff and multiple meetings of the stakeholder work groups, many factors were considered in arriving at a recommendation for fully virtual learning for the start of the 2020- 2021 school year. The Board of Education unanimously approved this recommendation at a virtual special meeting on July 28, 2020. Taken from the presentation at that special meeting, the following graphic outlines the decision. INSTRUCTION Under the leadership of Dr. Rick Briggs, Chief Academic Officer, the team worked to establish instructionally sound options, schedules, and structures that were equitable for all learners as well as professional learning opportunities for staff. STUDENT AND FAMILY SERVICES Under the leadership of Mrs. Kimberly Miles, Assistant Superintendent for Student and Family Services, the team worked to ensure the social and emotional well-being and healthcare needs of all students were supported and procedures are in place. BUSINESS AND OPERATIONS Under the leadership of Dr. Micah Stauffer, Chief Finance and Operations Officer, the team worked to establish non-traditional operational procedures, resources, and supports for employees while providing PPE for all facilities.