Wicomico Return Plan 2023

14 SPECIAL EDUCATION Special Education and related services will continue to be provided to Wicomico County students with disabilities in accordance with the mandates under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to ensure these students continue to have access to and are provided equal opportunities to progress in the Maryland Common Core State Standards and make progress on their individualized goals contained in the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). IEP teams have met to review student progress on goals contained in their IEPs using data collected and analyzed by the case manager and IEP team members, including the parents of the students. IEPs and 504 accommodations plans have been reviewed and revised to continue to provide access to a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) consistent with the districtwide Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan for the 2022-2023 School Year. The goal for students with disabilities is to have them be educated in the schools classrooms, with in-person instruction and the option of using appropriate PPE and health safeguards as needed. IEPs have been reviewed to ensure that the goals and objectives of the students can be met with the accommodations and supplemental aids and services that allow the students to receive an appropriate public education. However, if the parents and/or guardians choose for their student with a disability to participate in the Blended Virtual Program for learning, the student’s case manager will work collaboratively with the virtual instructors in the provision of Special Education and related services. This will include ensuring that the accommodations and supplemental aids and services are appropriate for the virtual learning setting. Specially designed instruction and related services therapies will be provided during asynchronous learning times and in collaboration with the distance learning instructors. The student’s IEP will be case-managed by the student’s neighborhood school. If at any time there is a concern regarding the implementation of the IEP and services, the IEP team will convene to discuss the concerns and amend the IEP as appropriate. The general education classroom provides students the opportunity to access grade-level content standards with appropriate accommodations and the collaboration for instruction by the general education teacher and Special Education teacher and related service providers when indicated in the IEPs. Specially designed instruction will be provided by the team of professionals as well. Within these inclusion classroom settings, Special Education teachers collaborate with general education teachers to plan and deliver high quality lessons with appropriate diverse instructional strategies and supplemental aids and services to meet all students’ learning needs to the maximum extent possible. All students and staff will follow and implement the current recommended health and safety guidance and procedures from USDE, MDH, MSDE and the Wicomico County Health Department. All students with disabilities will participate in face-to-face instruction, unless having been selected to participate in the district’s blended virtual learning opportunities. Monitoring of student progress on IEP goals along with academic progress/grading and attendance will occur daily. Delivery of specially designed instruction by special educators, general educators and related service providers coupled with supplementary aids and services, program modifications and supports will be provided as delineated in students’ IEPs. Students with disabilities who are participating in the Blended Virtual Program will be case managed by the special educator and/or related service provider in their respective