Wicomico Return Plan 2023

16 The district has procedures in place to ensure the ongoing progress monitoring of the students with disabilities goals and academic and functional performance; the ongoing communication with families, teachers, and services providers; and the ongoing documentation of the student progress and services delivered. These procedures and data collection tools will be reviewed during the initial professional development with all Special Education staff in order to ensure that student needs and accommodations are being provided daily thereby allowing them to make progress in the curriculum and daily instruction in all settings as their non-disabled peers. Case managers will continue to be the key contact person for students and families with day-to-day sharing of progress, needs, etc. Together we are working to meet each and every student’s diverse needs in Wicomico County. When a student with a disability must quarantine, the school systemwill review the student’s IEP to determine if the IEP can be implemented as written without inperson instruction. And if not, the IEP can be amended with parent agreement or revised through an IEP team meeting. If alternate service-delivery models are determined to be appropriate, the district will ensure that the instructional materials are accessible for the individual student. The materials will be created following accessibility principles and accommodations and supports for individual students will be provided in accordance with their IEPs. The district will rely on a variety of resources for staff and families including TIPs for Teaching and Learning and the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) in Varied Service Delivery Models. ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS (ELL) To meet the specialized needs of our English Language Learners (ELL) during inschool instruction, we will: • Administer district-wide assessments to English Learners to determine learning gaps • Utilize assessment data to determine appropriate programs and placements for English Language Learners • Ensure accessibility of core content for ELLs by creating co-teaching opportunities with classroom teachers • Provide core ESOL lessons that are appropriately leveled and emphasize the domains of learning • Provide access to supplemental online programs for extension and enrichment • Support both instructional and social-emotional needs of English Language Learners and their families through regular contact • Work with teachers and other staff members to cultivate cultural proficiency • Provide countywide phone and email messages and materials in Spanish and Haitian Creole, in addition to English • Encourage teachers and administrators to use LanguageLine Solutions and other services to ensure students and families understand instructional procedures and expectations • Deliver online support as needed for ELL students participating in the Blended Virtual Program • Comply with federal, state, and local mandates When an ELL student must be out of school in connection with COVID-19, the student will have access tomany instructional resources and assignments through the Google Classroom for their classes, and will be able to turn in many assignments through the platform. Grades will be recorded in X2, as for all students. Synchronous