Wicomico Return Plan 2023

17 opportunities for students not in the classroom will be limited to teacher check-ins during planning time or before or after the school day. Staff members of the student’s school or program – teachers, administrators and support staff – will remain in contact with the student and family through phone, email and Google Classroom. GIFTED AND TALENTED LEARNERS Magnet Program (grades 3-5) - Instruction will continue to be aligned with the Maryland College- and Career-Ready Standards with intentional extensions of learning, acceleration, scaffolding, and the use of preassessments. Collaboration among teams will help to ensure that the academic workload is manageable by students and long-term and short-term assignments are scheduled effectively to not overlap. Social emotional learning concepts along with the core content learning will be embedded into the curriculum which will offer themed units for the appropriate ability level standards. Teachers will develop preassessments to determine current levels of student performance to help guide instruction at the beginning of the school year. Universal screening will be administered to targeted grade level students to ensure that all students and student groups are given an equitable opportunity to qualify for and receive gifted program services. Thinking and Doing (TAD) for intermediate and middle school, and Students Extending and Enriching Knowledge (SEEK) for intermediate students - Units of study will be introduced and implemented in-person and students will be engaged in problem/project-based learning activities which will extend into home assignments. TAD/SEEK teachers will collaborate with classroom teachers for extension of learning and appropriate ability level activities and to align schedules. Students will use teacher-identified sites to access enriching and engaging resources to follow the lessons. They will incorporate various digital formats for research, problem solving, interacting with teachers and for producing culminating activities to present. Teachers will continue to work collaboratively with all stakeholders to ensure that lessons include field experts, enrichment, acceleration, community partnerships with other agencies to offer real world experiences to support their learning. INTERVENTION The Wicomico County Public Schools reading intervention continuum requires the administration of a universal screener (iReady K-12) and offers services to students based on a multi-tiered system of supports. These supports begin with students receiving supports in the general education classroom through differentiated instruction. Based on need, students may require additional supplemental instruction at varying levels of intensity and may receive explicit instruction in small groups or individually, during school hours, through after-school tutoring and summer learning opportunities. Teacher capacity for reading is being developed through a systematic approach that supports intervention. Mathematics intervention in the elementary grades will begin with students receiving supplemental supports with the general education teacher. Based on need, students may require additional supplemental instruction in small groups or individually at varying levels of intensity in order to provide explicit instruction on scaffolding grade level content. This additional support will be provided during an additional 25-minute daily math block using county and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)-rated resources. Intervention and general education teachers will collaborate to provide high quality supplemental instruction to support students