Wicomico Return Plan 2023

19 Part II: Student & Family Services Return Planning The Division of Student & Family Services continues to provide support and direction in areas including enrollment, student attendance, transportation, school guidance, mental health, Special Education, FIT (Families in Transition) services, and school health services. In addition to the division’s work with schools, the Student & Family Services team continues to work directly with our school families on enrollment and transfer requests, assistance with resources, and matters of health and safety in the school setting. Student & Family Services maintains a wide array of ongoing collaborations with community agencies and partners to support the health, safety and wellness of all students. ENROLLMENT The enrollment process will continue in all WCPS schools. School office associates and pupil personnel workers (PPWs) are available to assist families with the enrollment process. All enrollment forms and materials are available at www.wcboe.org. Families enrolling students in grades 1 through 12 can download these forms, complete them, and then provide the completed forms along with the required documents to the school office via scanned document, email or in person (when possible). Families enrolling students in Prekindergarten and Kindergarten can utilize the online registration forms found at registration.wcboe.org and can upload the required documents on that page. Families are encouraged to contact their school office or the Division of Student & Family Services at 410-677-4538, 410-677-5226 and 410-677-4487 for assistance with any questions. STUDENT ATTENDANCE WCPS recognizes the importance of daily attendance in the success of our students. We continue to follow all state and local guidance and regulations relating to the collection and reporting of daily attendance for students enrolled in and attending our schools in person and for students participating in the Blended Virtual Program (BVP). • For students attending in person, each teacher will record student attendance daily in the X2 Aspen system. • For students attending online with the school system’s elementary BVP, each teacher will record student attendance daily, during synchronous instruction, in the X2 Aspen system. • For students attending online with ESMEC’s secondary BVP, each teacher will record student attendance daily in each class period, during synchronous instruction, and file a weekly report to school administration to be entered into the X2 Aspen system. • For any absence related to illness, including but not limited to COVID-19, WCPS will adhere to the current Attendance Policy and Procedure wherein student absences are recorded and marked as excused with appropriate documentation. Procedures for receiving work during the time away from school are detailed in Student Attendance Policy and Student Attendance Procedure. For all students, attendance will be monitored by school administration and guidance counselors. When students are not present, teachers and schools will reach out through phone calls and emails as well as automated attendance calls. Student Support Teams including pupil personnel workers, home school liaisons