Wicomico Return Plan 2023

22 FIT (Families in Transition) STUDENTS Wicomico County Public Schools endeavors to reidentify the previous Families in Transition (FIT) and identify newly homeless families to provide the aid needed for students to enroll, attend, become attached, and fully participate in school activities in an effort to increase academic achievement. Plans to reach this goal include: • The duties of the McKinney-Vento local liaison have been revised/reduced to ensure single-minded concentration on coordination of services, removal of barriers, and collaborative support of families in transition. • New FIT Translators work directly with our EL families in transition to assist with reidentification, connections to community services, and response to Hotline calls from EL families. • A new full-time social worker/school counselor team will work in schools with the greatest FIT needs to provide services and social-emotional support. • New contractual social workers will provide FIT services in evening high school and summer school. • Short-termmotel stays were provided for families in emergency situations. • Television and radio communications to notify FIT of rights and services in three languages. • Additional after-school tutoring sites will be available. • Curriculum site licenses for schools with high FIT numbers were utilized. • An additional FIT transportation fleet will be added. School-based homeless liaisons, pupil personnel workers (PPWs) assigned to a school or group of schools, school social workers, food services, and several community agencies will also continue to work collaboratively to provide a host of services and resources to Families in Transition during the 2022-2023 school year. We will: • Ensure that families and students are informed of their right to stay enrolled in their school of origin. • Establish and maintain ongoing communication with families as the probability of housing loss increases due to economic conditions. • Engage community agencies and faith-based partners as a resource/support for students and families. • Provide training for staff regarding trauma, students’ reaction to stress, and other potential mental health issues among families experiencing homelessness. • Provide opportunities for online supplemental math and reading programs to address achievement disparities. • Provide live online tutoring opportunities as an additional resource for FIT students. • Provide in-person tutoring in shelters and community sites.