Wicomico Return Plan 2023

27 frequently touched throughout the day. Higher levels of disinfection will occur as needed and as directed by health staff. Custodial Cleaning The work shifts may be adjusted to maximize the number of custodial staff during peak cleaning times. This team will perform increased routine cleaning and disinfection. The CDC’s Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in K-12 Schools recommends increased cleaning and disinfecting for frequently touched surfaces. To facilitate effective disinfecting, each school will utilize electrostatic backpack sprayers to facilitate disinfecting in large areas, including physical education and athletic spaces. Wicomico Schools will provide each school’s custodial team with written direction on increased routine cleaning and disinfection. Instructions will focus on high-touch areas, such as door handles, and desks. Custodial staff will ensure adequate provision and distribution of cleaning supplies, EPA-approved disinfectants, and microfiber cloths. Staff Cleaning Supplies Each classroom has been provided a KaiFly cleaning system with S.C Johnson Disinfectant (EPA Registered). CDC’s Considerations for Schools recommends cleaning of frequently touched surfaces, such as door handles. The custodial team will increase cleaning of frequently touched surfaces, by providing cleaning provisions for instructional staff which allows them to access approved cleaning products quickly at any time. Ventilation Maintenance staff have modified the ventilation schedules such that the occupied mode will begin two hours prior to staff arrival and continue through the end of the school day. Staff shall ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible. The HVAC systems are programmed to use the maximum amount of outside air possible to maintain the proper operation of the systems. HVAC systems will continue to ventilate at all times. The filters in all HVAC systems have been upgraded to the maximum MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) rating that will allow for proper operation of the system as recommended by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers in response to COVID-19. All filters are changed on a quarterly basis. BUILDING USAGE • Buildings open daily for staff and students • Visitors, including parents/guardians, follow visitor procedures and guidance, as posted on front doors