Salisbury Middle Student Handbook 2024-2025

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Cheating is not permitted. If you are found cheating, you will receive a zero on that work. Disciplinary action will be consistent with the Wicomico County Code of Conduct. ABSENCE/ATTENDANCE Students should strive to be in school all day, every day. Consistent full-day attendance supports students in achieving academic success, graduation, and development into productive members of society. Parents/guardians and students should review the Student Attendance Policy and Student Attendance Procedure to know the rules for excused and unexcused absences for everything from family vacations to college and employer visits to student illness or death in the immediate family. If a student is absent, regardless of the length of time, he/she must account for his/her absence by bringing a note explaining the reason for the absence within five days of the student’s return to school. The written explanation does not constitute the basis for a lawful absence but can be used in the determination process. Parents will be informed if the absence is determined as unexcused/unlawful. The principal will accept up to five notes from a parent regarding an absence. After that, only a doctor’s note will be considered for an excused absence. Students who have 5 or more unexcused absences in a marking term must successfully complete an attendance intervention plan to avoid failing the marking term. An attendance intervention plan may involve the student staying after school for up to two hours a day or being assigned to one or more Saturday Schools, with parents/guardians responsible for alternative transportation home if needed. Student attendance is a family responsibility. A student is truant if he/she is absent 8 days in any quarter, 15 days in any semester, or 20 days in any school year. A student is considered a habitual truant if he/she has been absent more than 20 percent of the school days within any marking period, semester, or school year. Penalties exist as corrective action to promote good student attendance when excessive absence, early dismissal and tardiness are verified as unlawful or unexcused. Students who are continually absent or tardy shall be referred for appropriate interventions. A written request for vacation must be submitted at a minimum of 10 days in advance to the principal/designee. If approved, the maximum number of lawful days for family vacations and family trips for any school year must not exceed three (3) days. The parent should submit an Advance Request for Absence Form which can be found at under the Student and Family Services tab. When a student is absent from school, that student is not permitted to participate in any school-related activity that may be taking place that day or evening. This would include athletics, music, drama, club, or student government events, class projects, etc. Any exception to this rule must be approved by the principal beforehand. Excessive absenteeism does have an overall effect on achievement in school. Truancy from school is subject to disciplinary measures. The final determination of an absence rests with the school, which is subject to the policies of the Maryland State Department of Education and the Maryland Legislature. Unless there is a legitimate reason, students are expected to be in school every day.