Salisbury Middle Student Handbook 2024-2025

3. Students are to be seated and not move from table-to-table. Use of restroom is permitted by raising your hand and receiving permission from on-duty adults. 4. When directed by an administrator or teacher, go to the assigned food line. Line cutting is not permitted. 5. Trash collection will occur approximately 5 minutes before the end of the lunch shift. Students are to remain seated, and staff will push a trash can to their table. Please place the food in the trash can rather than throwing or tossing it with force or distance to avoid messes. 6. No food or drink is to be removed from the cafeteria and carried outside or into any part of the building – except for a clear bottle of plain water. 7. Students will be dismissed from the cafeteria by class and are to walk in an orderly line on the way back to their classroom. 8. Students MAY NOT have fast food/carry-out food delivered to the school by parents, guardians, or third-party delivery services. CLOSING OF SCHOOL When school must be closed due to inclement weather or other emergency conditions, an announcement will be made on the local radio and television stations. If it becomes necessary to cancel school or to have a late opening or an early closing, an announcement will be broadcast by local radio and television stations Please refer to website and Thrill Share calls/texts for the most recent information. CELL PHONES AND SOCIAL MEDIA Students MAY NOT use their cell phone during school except during their lunch shift. Phones are to be powered off and put away by 7:15am. Cell phones are not needed for any academic purposes during the school day. Students are encouraged to leave phones at home. Cell phones may be used silently during students’ lunch shift and powered off and put away at the conclusion of their lunch shift. Parents are encouraged to contact the front office of the school if they need to communicate with their student or wait until the student’s assigned lunch time rather than attempting to communicate with the student during instruction. Students are prohibited from using their cell phone to cheat or plagiarize, to bully or haze others, to disrupt the learning environment, to view pornographic, vulgar, or inappropriate content, to post derogatory content on social media sites, to make video recordings at school, without teacher permission or school authorization; or take unsolicited or unwelcome photographs of students, staff, or facilities. Students who inappropriately use their cell phone at school will be subject to discipline as stipulated in the Student Code of Conduct. Additionally, students may lose their privilege of using their cell phone at school for a length of time to be determined by the school administrators. Cell phones, tablets, ear buds, and headphones are not required items for students. Students bringing these items to school do so at their own risk. The school is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen cell phones, tablets, ear buds, headphones, etc. Students are advised to leave these items at home. DAILY CYCLE The middle school operates on an A-day and B-day schedule. Days are identified as either an A-day or a B-day. Most classes will meet every day (A-B). Special area class generally meet every other