AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (Intramural sports, school clubs, school dances, etc.) All students must have a 2.0 GPA to attend or participate in these activities. Students must also be in good standing with attendance and conduct. Students who have 1-4 days of Out of School Suspension may not attend an after-school event for 10 school days, including suspension days. Once a student has 5 or more days of Out of School suspension, the student may not attend after-school activities for 45 school days. Students participating in after-school activities (i.e. band, chorus, intramurals, detention, clubs, dances, tutoring, etc.) must be picked up within 15 minutes of the conclusion of the activity. Failure to abide by this policy will result in the loss of participation in further extracurricular events. STATEMENT IN REGARD TO BOARD OF EDUCATION'S POLICIES / STUDENT HANDBOOKS WHEREAS many of the schools within Wicomico County establish their own Student Handbook in an effort to familiarize students with the expectations of that school's administration; and WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Wicomico County has established many rules, policies, codes of conduct and other regulatory procedures for the purposes of defining the expectation of the Board of Education regarding student conduct, discipline and other matters setting forth the expectation of the Board toward its students. All students in Wicomico County are advised that the Student Handbooks distributed by each school are not the sole or exclusive rules, policies, or regulations regarding student conduct. They supplement and are subordinate to the policies, rules of conduct, disciplinary rules, suspension rules, attendance rules and all other rules and regulations which are established by the Wicomico County Board of Education, which are available in each school library and the Wicomico County Board of Education, and which policies and rules each student is expected to know and abide by. To the extent that there is any conflict between the policies, rules, and regulations, etc. of the Wicomico County Board of Education and that of an individual school or school handbook, the policies, regulations and procedures of the Wicomico County Board of Education shall prevail. PROGRESS REPORTS AND REPORT CARDS Each student is issued a report card four times per year one week after the end of each nine-week marking period. The purpose is to provide the student and his parents with an account of his school progress. The report card gives a grade in every subject that the student is currently enrolled in every nine weeks. If the required work for a course has not been completed because of sickness or other good reasons an “I” (incomplete) is given. If the work is completed by the next midterm of the next quarter, the “I” is replaced with the proper mark; otherwise, it becomes an “E”. Please review the grading policy that can be found on the county website at We also encourage you to regularly review your child’s grades by using the family portal. Directions for accessing the portal can be found on the Board of Education’s website as well. Progress reports are issued midway in the marking period and are distributed to all students. The progress report is designed to let you know how your child is progressing in his current classes.