Salisbury Middle Student Handbook 2024-2025

STUDENT HANDBOOK 2024-2025 Terance M. Dunn, Principal Jennifer Mudd, Assistant Principal Brent Lewis, Assistant Principal Rachel Thompson, Dean of Students Michael Morris, Dean of Students

Welcome to Salisbury Middle School Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to Salisbury Middle School for the 2024-2025 school year. We are proud of our school, as well as the accomplishments of our students, and we look forward to a great year together as we continue to build the SMS community. The staff and administration of Salisbury Middle School are looking forward to the new school year and the opportunity to develop relationships with all students to ensure academic success. We will work to develop relationships with our students and assist with the improvement of skills in the areas of academics, social skills, managing peer pressure and behavior. The Positive Behavior Incentives Program (PBIS) is utilized to recognize students that consistently make good behavioral decisions and demonstrate proper work habits. Our PBIS team has planned numerous exciting events for this school year which will recognize those students having earned Eagle bucks for displaying the three focuses of positive behavior. Our three focuses are being respectful, being responsible, and being ready to learn. Middle school is a time of transition for students both academically and socially. We will be here to guide our students as they mature and develop independence. Our mission is to assist each student as he/she works to become a respectful citizen and to improve skills every day. It is vital that we all ensure that our students can see that they have the potential for a bright future, and the decisions they make each day have a direct impact. We as a school, community, and as parents must work together to guide our students along the way. To accomplish our goals, Salisbury Middle School utilizes a team process when scheduling our students. Each student will be assigned to a team which consists of core teachers and several special area teachers. Our teaching staff participates in collaborative planning to develop engaging lessons that meet the needs of all learners. Additionally, each team of teachers is charged with the responsibility of overseeing the general welfare of the students on their team. We engage in a very structured approach to ensure that SMS has a positive school environment conducive to learning for all students. We expect each student to come to school with a positive attitude toward learning and willingness to put forth maximum effort. We invite parents to visit our school at any time and encourage participation. By working together, we can ensure that each student is able to achieve academic and behavioral success. Sincerely, Terance Dunn Principal

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Cheating is not permitted. If you are found cheating, you will receive a zero on that work. Disciplinary action will be consistent with the Wicomico County Code of Conduct. ABSENCE/ATTENDANCE Students should strive to be in school all day, every day. Consistent full-day attendance supports students in achieving academic success, graduation, and development into productive members of society. Parents/guardians and students should review the Student Attendance Policy and Student Attendance Procedure to know the rules for excused and unexcused absences for everything from family vacations to college and employer visits to student illness or death in the immediate family. If a student is absent, regardless of the length of time, he/she must account for his/her absence by bringing a note explaining the reason for the absence within five days of the student’s return to school. The written explanation does not constitute the basis for a lawful absence but can be used in the determination process. Parents will be informed if the absence is determined as unexcused/unlawful. The principal will accept up to five notes from a parent regarding an absence. After that, only a doctor’s note will be considered for an excused absence. Students who have 5 or more unexcused absences in a marking term must successfully complete an attendance intervention plan to avoid failing the marking term. An attendance intervention plan may involve the student staying after school for up to two hours a day or being assigned to one or more Saturday Schools, with parents/guardians responsible for alternative transportation home if needed. Student attendance is a family responsibility. A student is truant if he/she is absent 8 days in any quarter, 15 days in any semester, or 20 days in any school year. A student is considered a habitual truant if he/she has been absent more than 20 percent of the school days within any marking period, semester, or school year. Penalties exist as corrective action to promote good student attendance when excessive absence, early dismissal and tardiness are verified as unlawful or unexcused. Students who are continually absent or tardy shall be referred for appropriate interventions. A written request for vacation must be submitted at a minimum of 10 days in advance to the principal/designee. If approved, the maximum number of lawful days for family vacations and family trips for any school year must not exceed three (3) days. The parent should submit an Advance Request for Absence Form which can be found at under the Student and Family Services tab. When a student is absent from school, that student is not permitted to participate in any school-related activity that may be taking place that day or evening. This would include athletics, music, drama, club, or student government events, class projects, etc. Any exception to this rule must be approved by the principal beforehand. Excessive absenteeism does have an overall effect on achievement in school. Truancy from school is subject to disciplinary measures. The final determination of an absence rests with the school, which is subject to the policies of the Maryland State Department of Education and the Maryland Legislature. Unless there is a legitimate reason, students are expected to be in school every day.

AFTER-SCHOOL TUTORING We invite you to participate in the after-school tutoring program which will help you improve your grades. You will have an opportunity to work in a quiet academic environment with teacher assistance and supervision. Information will be available in September via the website or front office. ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE Arrival: Students may not enter the building before 7:15 a.m. Students should not exit their school bus or arrive at school prior to 7:15 a.m. ALL students entering the building must enter via the appropriate doors and proceed directly to their assigned location. • Walkers and car riders enter through the front door only and report to directly homeroom. • 8th grade bus riders enter through the D-wing entrance (gym lobby doors) and report to directly homeroom. • 7th grade bus riders enter through the D-wing entrance (gym lobby doors) and report to directly homeroom. • 6th grade bus riders enter through the C-wing entrance (band/chorus/health hallway) and report to directly homeroom. • NexGen bus riders enter through the C-wing entrance (band/chorus/health hallway) and report to the cafeteria. Once arriving on school property, a student may not leave without permission. Departure: Dismissal times and exits are as listed below. Unless you are participating in a scheduled after-school activity, all students should be out of the building by 3:00 p.m. If you are staying for an after-school activity, you must be with the sponsoring teacher/coach. Students who are unattended will be escorted out of the building. Infractions will result in loss of privileges. • 2:33pm silent dismissal for 6th grade walkers and car riders - exit out of the front of the building • 2:37pm afternoon announcements • 2:38pm 7th and 8th grade walkers and car riders exit out of the front of the building. • 2:40pm 6th grade bus riders exit out of the C-wing bus ramp door. • 2:42pm 7th grade bus riders exit out of the bus ramp door by the gym. • 2:44pm 8th grade riders exit out of the bus ramp door by the gym. • 2:45pm 2nd wave bus riders and all after school activities to the cafeteria • 2:48pm 1st wave buses depart. • 3:00pm 2nd wave bus riders report to the ramp. After school activities report to their assigned location. BOOK BAGS Book bags are allowed for students. We recommend students use the smallest size bags that safely accommodate their needs and that fit under their desk/chair so that teachers and students can move freely around the classroom. CAFETERIA We have two lunch shifts per grade level. The following criteria must be observed in the cafeteria: 1. Students will walk in a line with their class to the cafeteria. 2. Classes will sit in their assigned row. Students may pick a seat anywhere in their assigned row.

3. Students are to be seated and not move from table-to-table. Use of restroom is permitted by raising your hand and receiving permission from on-duty adults. 4. When directed by an administrator or teacher, go to the assigned food line. Line cutting is not permitted. 5. Trash collection will occur approximately 5 minutes before the end of the lunch shift. Students are to remain seated, and staff will push a trash can to their table. Please place the food in the trash can rather than throwing or tossing it with force or distance to avoid messes. 6. No food or drink is to be removed from the cafeteria and carried outside or into any part of the building – except for a clear bottle of plain water. 7. Students will be dismissed from the cafeteria by class and are to walk in an orderly line on the way back to their classroom. 8. Students MAY NOT have fast food/carry-out food delivered to the school by parents, guardians, or third-party delivery services. CLOSING OF SCHOOL When school must be closed due to inclement weather or other emergency conditions, an announcement will be made on the local radio and television stations. If it becomes necessary to cancel school or to have a late opening or an early closing, an announcement will be broadcast by local radio and television stations Please refer to website and Thrill Share calls/texts for the most recent information. CELL PHONES AND SOCIAL MEDIA Students MAY NOT use their cell phone during school except during their lunch shift. Phones are to be powered off and put away by 7:15am. Cell phones are not needed for any academic purposes during the school day. Students are encouraged to leave phones at home. Cell phones may be used silently during students’ lunch shift and powered off and put away at the conclusion of their lunch shift. Parents are encouraged to contact the front office of the school if they need to communicate with their student or wait until the student’s assigned lunch time rather than attempting to communicate with the student during instruction. Students are prohibited from using their cell phone to cheat or plagiarize, to bully or haze others, to disrupt the learning environment, to view pornographic, vulgar, or inappropriate content, to post derogatory content on social media sites, to make video recordings at school, without teacher permission or school authorization; or take unsolicited or unwelcome photographs of students, staff, or facilities. Students who inappropriately use their cell phone at school will be subject to discipline as stipulated in the Student Code of Conduct. Additionally, students may lose their privilege of using their cell phone at school for a length of time to be determined by the school administrators. Cell phones, tablets, ear buds, and headphones are not required items for students. Students bringing these items to school do so at their own risk. The school is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen cell phones, tablets, ear buds, headphones, etc. Students are advised to leave these items at home. DAILY CYCLE The middle school operates on an A-day and B-day schedule. Days are identified as either an A-day or a B-day. Most classes will meet every day (A-B). Special area class generally meet every other

day, either A-day or B-day. Days will always follow sequentially regardless of days missed for holidays, weather, etc. DETENTION Students assigned after-school detention are required to serve the detention. The detention slip must be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to the appropriate teacher or staff member. If a student fails to stay for the assigned detention, further disciplinary action will result. DRESS CODE See Dress Code in the Wicomico County Code of Conduct. EARLY DISMISSAL If a student needs to be dismissed early from school, they should bring a note from a parent or guardian. The student must be signed out by the adult who is authorized to pick him/her up. The school cannot release a student to someone who is not on the student’s emergency contacts. FIRE DRILLS 1. Each classroom teacher is responsible for instructing every class in the procedures for evacuating that room. Instructions will be posted in each room. 2. Move as quickly as possible without running. Move a reasonable distance from the school. 3. Remain silent in single file while waiting for the bell to signal you back to your room. 4. If a fire drill occurs while a student is at lunch, the student is to exit to the front of the building. and join the class with which he came to lunch. 5. If a fire drill occurs during the changing of classes, students are to leave the building by the most direct route to the front of the building and wait quietly for instructions from school staff. GUIDANCE Guidance counselors will assist students with problems related to academic guidance, behavioral counseling, peer relationship problems and grade checks. Our counselors will help students plan class schedules and guide in the selection of courses. Students may schedule appointments with a counselor or social worker before school, during lunch or after school. Our social worker is available to provide services to students to enhance their emotional well-being and improve their academic performance. HALL PASSES Students are required to have an active digital pass if they are outside of the classroom. HALLWAY RULES Students are expected to behave in an orderly manner while in the hallway. Students who do not follow the rules will be subject to disciplinary action. We ask that the following rules be followed: 1. No pushing, shoving, running, playing, hitting or harmful touching. 2. Use conversational voices only. No loud voices or shouting. 3. Do not block the halls--no standing, stopping, or loitering. 4. Stay to the right of the hall for easy passing. 5. Move directly to class. 6. Students who fail to give their name to the questioning adult will face disciplinary action. 7. All students are to follow the 10/10 rule. No students in the hallway during the first and last 10 minutes of class.

HEALTH SERVICES Students becoming ill during the school day should be seen by the school nurse. A student must have a hallway pass from a teacher to go to the nurse’s office. If there is a necessity to go home, the nurse will inform the parents and the student will be released from school after signing the “out” book in the main office. Students may not use cell phones in the nurse’s suite unless the nurse has requested the student to contact their parents using their phone. Periodically you may need to take medication during the school day. You must have a PHYSICIAN'S MEDICATION ORDER FORM filled out by the doctor prescribing the drug and a copy of this form must be on file with the nurse. This includes all over the counter and prescription medications. Medication must be brought to school by an adult and signed in before it can be administered to the student. If a student brings medications to school, they will be confiscated, and your parent/guardian will be notified. LAPTOPS Each student will receive a school-issued laptop. Students are responsible for the care of the laptop. Families will be financially responsible for any damage caused. Additionally, students will receive discipline consequences for intentional damage to laptops. Laptops are for in-school use only. Laptops will not be going home. Students will pick up their laptop each morning and return it to the assigned laptop cart at the end of the day. Students must follow all guidelines as outlined on the “Wicomico County Public Schools Laptop Loaner Device Agreement” and the “Wicomico County Public Schools Acceptable Use Policy.” LATENESS/TARDINESS Tardiness is in two (2) categories--lateness to class and lateness to school. The time provided between classes, 2 minutes, is the maximum time required for reporting to the next class. You are encouraged to report to class in less time, be seated and wait for class to begin. If you are late to class, the teacher will handle your lateness according to county policy as indicated in the Wicomico County Code of Conduct. If you are late for school, you are to report to the main office or designated place and receive a GENERAL USE SLIP to report to class. The office, in accordance with the Wicomico County Code of Conduct, will handle this lateness. LOST AND FOUND The lost and found is in the main hallway, outside of the social workers’ office. Students missing an item should periodically check the lost and found. Lost and found will be cleaned out once per marking period. MEDIA CENTER Books may be signed out from the Media Center for a designated period. If the books are not returned on or before the date they are due, you will be fined each day beyond the due date. When the overdue book is returned, the fine no longer accumulates. If a book is lost, you will be charged the replacement cost of the book. Also, a fee will be charged for any damage to library books. The cost of books is very expensive, so great care should be exercised in handling the books. No book is to be taken out of the media center until media personnel have properly checked it out. Violation or abuse of media center procedures will result in the loss of media privileges.

AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (Intramural sports, school clubs, school dances, etc.) All students must have a 2.0 GPA to attend or participate in these activities. Students must also be in good standing with attendance and conduct. Students who have 1-4 days of Out of School Suspension may not attend an after-school event for 10 school days, including suspension days. Once a student has 5 or more days of Out of School suspension, the student may not attend after-school activities for 45 school days. Students participating in after-school activities (i.e. band, chorus, intramurals, detention, clubs, dances, tutoring, etc.) must be picked up within 15 minutes of the conclusion of the activity. Failure to abide by this policy will result in the loss of participation in further extracurricular events. STATEMENT IN REGARD TO BOARD OF EDUCATION'S POLICIES / STUDENT HANDBOOKS WHEREAS many of the schools within Wicomico County establish their own Student Handbook in an effort to familiarize students with the expectations of that school's administration; and WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Wicomico County has established many rules, policies, codes of conduct and other regulatory procedures for the purposes of defining the expectation of the Board of Education regarding student conduct, discipline and other matters setting forth the expectation of the Board toward its students. All students in Wicomico County are advised that the Student Handbooks distributed by each school are not the sole or exclusive rules, policies, or regulations regarding student conduct. They supplement and are subordinate to the policies, rules of conduct, disciplinary rules, suspension rules, attendance rules and all other rules and regulations which are established by the Wicomico County Board of Education, which are available in each school library and the Wicomico County Board of Education, and which policies and rules each student is expected to know and abide by. To the extent that there is any conflict between the policies, rules, and regulations, etc. of the Wicomico County Board of Education and that of an individual school or school handbook, the policies, regulations and procedures of the Wicomico County Board of Education shall prevail. PROGRESS REPORTS AND REPORT CARDS Each student is issued a report card four times per year one week after the end of each nine-week marking period. The purpose is to provide the student and his parents with an account of his school progress. The report card gives a grade in every subject that the student is currently enrolled in every nine weeks. If the required work for a course has not been completed because of sickness or other good reasons an “I” (incomplete) is given. If the work is completed by the next midterm of the next quarter, the “I” is replaced with the proper mark; otherwise, it becomes an “E”. Please review the grading policy that can be found on the county website at We also encourage you to regularly review your child’s grades by using the family portal. Directions for accessing the portal can be found on the Board of Education’s website as well. Progress reports are issued midway in the marking period and are distributed to all students. The progress report is designed to let you know how your child is progressing in his current classes.

VISITORS ALL visitors MUST enter our secured vestibule entrance and visit the school reception area with proper I.D. before going to any location in the building. This procedure is designed to protect children and staff. Please, always follow the procedure.