Tt hhee spurpi ne rc iinp tael ns dh ea nl l t roefc socmh mo oel ns de xepxlpa ui nl si ni ognt hf reo imn csi cdhe onot lafnodr ot huet l fi onlilnogwt ihneg roefaf es on ns es sf ournnl eostsrhe ec o/ smhme fei nl edsi na gr ee px po rutl swi oi tnh: • Physical assault on any employee of the Board of Education • AWsiscaouml ti coor bC aotut en rt yy wo ri t hu paown eaanpyo np eargsaoi nn s ot na noyr poefrf s socnh uo no ld eprr et hmei sj ue sr i si fd itchtei ocnoonfdtuhcet Bi so adredt roi mf Eednut ac al ttioo nt hoef interest of the school system. • Violation of the Dangerous Weapons/Instruments in the Schools policy of the Board of Education at any time. Functional Behavior Assessment & Behavioral Intervention Plan: A Functional Behavior dA es tseersms mi neens t agpapt hr oe ar sc hi ne fsotrhma ta tsicohno aobl os tuat f fa ssht uo ud ledn tt a’ skien at op pc or or rperci at toer mo radnias gr ue pt ht i avte bbeehhaavvi oi orr. aTnhde iI nn ftoe rr mv eant ti oi onn i sP ltahne no fuf es resd pt oo sdi tei vv ee l bo ephaa Bv ieohraavl iionrt ae lr vI ne tnetri vo enn, st itor na t Pe gl ai ensf, oarntdh es uspt up do er tnst .dAe sBi ge nh ea dv i bo yr a l school staff to correct inappropriate or disruptive school behaviors. In-School Intervention: Removing the student within the school building “from the student’s current education pp rr iongcriapma l , "f o( rC Ou pM At oR b1u3tA n. 0o8t . 0m1o. 1r 1e ( tBh)a( n4 ) 1) , 0b us ct ht ho aotl i ds anyost ci no nas isdc ehroeodl ayne ai nr - sf oc hr odoi sl cs iupsl pi neanrsyi orne, abseocnasu sbey t thhees tsuc dh eo no tl is “afforded the opportunity to: • Appropriately progress in the general curriculum; • Rweitcheiaveditshaebsilpiteyciianlaecdcuocradtaionnceanwditrhetlahteedlaswe;rvices specified on the student IEP, if the student is a student • Ranedceive instruction commensurate with the program afforded to the student in the regular classroom; • P(CaOrtMicAipRat1e3Aw.0it8h.0p1e.e1r(sC a)(s2t)h(ea)y)would in their current education program to the extent appropriate.” In-School Suspension: In-school suspension is designed to be a structured behavioral intervention that as ud sdpr ee ns ss ei os nb oa nt hd tihs eaanc iamd epmo ri tcaannt dt oboelhi anvti ho er apl rnoegerdess soifvteh de i ss tcui pdlei nn et s mi t osdeer lv. eI sn. - IsScSh oi so al ns uasl pt eernnsai toi nv ei st od eo fui nt eodf sacsh tohoel rreemasoovnaslboyf tahestpurdinecnitpafrloomr ptrhiencsitpuadl’esndte’ education program for 30 minutes or more for disciplinary Loss of Privilege: A privilege such as recess, attending a school activity or the right to park on school property mdeatyerbmeinreedmboyvethdefporrinacippearlioodr porfintcimipeal’assdaescigonneseeq. uence for poor behavior. The time of restriction will be Mentoring: Pairing students with mentors (e.g., counselor, teacher, fellow student, or community member) who help their personal, academic, and social development Office Detention: Students may be assigned office detention to be served before or after school at the discretion otrfanthsepoprrtiantcioipnaflo. r Pthaeresntutsdewnitllimbme endoitaitfeielyd aotfththeeenddatoef aanndaftteimr-escohfoothl de edteentetinotnio. n and will agree to provide Out-of-School Suspension: Some infractions require that a student be suspended or excluded from school tf oe mr apnoyr ar reial ys of no rwai tl hi mo ui t te tdhne upmr iboer raopfpdr aoyvsa. l Douf rt ihneg psrui snpc ei pnasli. oTnhteh pe rsi tnucdi pe an lt mi s anyo st uasl lpoewn edda t sot ub de eonnt sf oc hr ouopl tpor o5pdear yt ys at hned aruetqhuoersi tt ya tno aedxdt ietni odntahl e5nduamy sb eorf oOfSdS afyr so mo f tshues ps eu npseiroi nn tbe enydoenndt o1f0 sdc ah yoso li sf . t Th eh eb es uh pa ve iroi nr twe na dr reannt tos f asnc he ox toel sn dheads suspension. (Reference – short term, long term, extended – COMAR 13A.08.01.11(B)(3-5) ) Parent Outreach: Informing parents/guardians of their child’s behavior and seeking their assistance in correcting inappropriate or disruptive behavior Parent Shadowing: Parents/guardians may be asked to share time with their student throughout the school day to further support positive behavior choices.