Consequences for Violations of Code of Conduct 1Level 3 Responses for Alcohol, Inhalants, and Drug-Related Behaviors – Where schools feel that a student who is under the influence of or found using alcohol or substances must be removed from school gprroe cuanudtsi ,osnc ht oo oe lnsssuhroe ut lhda ct ot hnes isdteurdseenntdi si nlge at vhiensgt us cdheonot lhgormo uenodns mi netdhiec aclalreea ov ef ,arfaatmh ei lryt mh aenmabsear doirs cs iopml ienoanr ye ianbflrea ct ot i opnr o/ Ov iSdSe. aFsus ri st thaenrcme o. r e , w h e n s e n d i n g t h e s t u d e n t h o m e , s c h o o l s s h o u l d t a k e e v e r y 2t hFeo rs uppuer rpvoi ss ei os no of fr eacloi credn- ks ee de phi enagl, tfho-rc as rt ue dpernotfse sws ii tohn adli,soa rb iul istei edsuOnNd Le rY ,aunsyeoctohdeer 8a u9 t2h. o( r“ Ii tl lye guanldderrutghse” Cf oornst rt uodl l eend t Ss uwbisttha nd ci seaAb ci lti toi er suins ddeerf ianneyd oatsh tehr opsreosvui sbisotna nocf ef es dt he raat lalraewn. )o t l e g a l l y p o s s e s s e d , u s e d u n d e r 3A student may not be suspended out-of-school or expelled from school “solely for attendance-related offenses.” MD CODE ANN EDUCATION §7-305. This applies to class cutting, truancy, and tardiness. 4 pFt.o1r3p0u8rposes of record-keeping, for students with disabilities ONLY use code 891 for the selling of a drug or substance identified under the schedules of controlled substances in 21 U.S.C §812; 21 C.F.R. Level of Consequence Offense/Violation 1 2 3 4 5 Ext. OSS & Expulsion – Gr. 6-12 only Academic Dishonesty (801) Plagiarizing such as by taking another’s work or ideas (gr. 6-12); forgery, such as faking a signature of a teacher or parent; or cheating Alcohol 1,2 (201) Being under the influence of alcohol2 Using/possessing alcohol2 Distributing/selling alcohol Arson/Fire (501) Intentionally setting or attempting to set a fire or helping others to set a fire without intent to or the possibility of endangering others Intentionally setting a fire or helping others to set fire with the intent to endanger others or with the result of destroying valuable property Bullying/Harassment (407) Intentionally engaging in conduct including: any electronic communication, on or off school property; offensive verbal, physical, or written conduct that creates a hostile environment by substantially interfering with a student’s educational benefits, opportunities, or performance, or with a student’s physical or psychological well-being; or bias-related behavior including actions that may involve the use of images, language, or behaviors that directly or indirectly demonstrate racism, hostility, or contempt toward a person or group on the basis of actual or perceived identity Class Cutting3 (101) Failing to attend class, after arrival at school, without an excused reason Persistently failing to attend a scheduled class, after arrival at school, without an excused reason Destruction of Property (806) Causing accidental damage Intentionally causing damage to school/other’s property Intentionally causing damage to school/other’s property where act is especially serious based on factors (e.g. monetary property value, student’s knowledge of property value, student’s plan/age/purpose for destruction of property, status of behavior (persistent or behavioral) Disrespect (701) Making intentional and harmful gestures, symbols ,verbal or written comments, to others (e.g. cursing, talking back, verbal put-downs) Being insubordinate; repeatedly or persistently disrespectful, in defiance of authority Disruption (704) Intentionally engaging in minor behavior distracting from the learning environment Intentionally and persistently engaging in minor behavior that distracts from the learning environment (e.g. talking out of turn, throwing small items, horseplay) Intentionally engaging in moderate to serious behavior that distracts from teaching and learning, and/or directly affects the safety of others (e.g. throwing harmful items, sending incendiary texts/social media messages, disrupting fire drill) Repeatedly or persistently engaging in moderate to serious behavior that distracts from teaching and learning Dress Code (706) Sr et umdaeinnt as ti ns cvhioool al tai onnd odfetmh eo ndsrtersast ec ocdo emwp liilal nbceeabl lyo w e d t o aI nl l oa wd di ni tgi opna, rtehnet ss cthooborl i wn gi l al pa spsrios pt rs itautdeecnl ot st hwi nhgo taor es ci hn o o l . va ti ot ilraet iionnc loufdtihneg dc roensssi sctoednet ai nt t ai rcec ews hs ienrge aapppprl oi cparbi laet.e Violating dress code, after student has been warned Persistently violating dress code after student has been warned Drugs/Controlled Substances1 (203) Unauthorized use/possession of non-illegal drugs2,4 Being under the influence of illegal drugs2,4 Using/possessing illegal drugs2,4 Distributing/selling non-illegal or illegal drugs4 Explosives (503) Possessing an incendiary or explosive device or material or any combination of combustible or explosive substances, other than a firearm, that can cause harm to people or property Detonating or threatening to detonate an incendiary or explosive device or material