WCPS Student Handbook 2024-2025

5c § a U7 s - n e 3 d 0 b e 5 a r s ( f i e f s ) d , ( a e 2 r ) s a - h ( l o 3 a r ) n t . d e H r M o p w a e r r e y i v o la e d n r o , d d f s i e s t x a c p t ip e u l l l i s a n i w o e n s o: f o A a r s a s t n t u u a d d l e e t n e n r t t n w w a i t h t i h v o e a h e a d d s i u s b a c r b a o i t u l i i o g t n y h at w l a h s f e o i t r t he i a n a s r g m , b i r f oo a n u lt t g e o h r s t n c a a h t fo i i v r o e e l a p e r d r m o u p c oe a n r t t i t o o y n s “ a c s l h h s o a e o ll t l t b i p n e r go e s x p h p e a e r v t ll y e e , d b in e fc o e l r n u a d a i p m n p g i r n t o i h m v e e u d sm u b s y op f e t h 1n e s y i c e o o a n u r , , n e ” t x b y p u u b t o l a s a i c o r o d n u . , ” n o t M ry i A n s R u te p Y r e L im r A in N a t D l e t n e A r d N n e a N n t t O i v “ T e m A p a T l y a E c s D e p mC ec O e i D n fy t E , o , s n E h Da a l U cl a C b s A e e T b IO y N c8o9n3dfuocrtsetdudinencotsnwfoirtmh adniscaebwiliittihesth. e requirements of the IDEA. MARYLAND ANNOTATED CODE EDUCATION §7-305(g); MD CODE REGS 13A.08.01.12-1(C). For the purposes of record-keeping, use code 6Devices include cell phones, music players (e.g. IPads), tablets (e.g. IPads), electronic gaming devices, and other portable communication devices. 7 faIncujultryy. i2n0voUlv.Si.nCg. §(a1)4s1u5b(skt)a(n7t)ia(Dl r)i[srkeofefrdreinagtht;o(1b8)eUxt.Sre.Cm. §e1p3h6y5s(ihca)(l3p)a}in; (c)protracted and obvious disfigurement, or (d)protracted loss or impairment of a function of a bodily member, organ, or mental Level of Consequence Offense/Viola�on 1 2 3 4 5 Ext. OSS & Expulsion – Gr. 6-12 only Extor�on (406) Engaging in extortion; using a threat (without a weapon) to get a person to turn over property Engaging in persistent extortion False Alarm/Bomb Threat (502) Initiating a warning of a fire or other catastrophe without cause (e.g. pulling a fire alarm or misusing 911) Making a bomb threat or threatening a school shooting Figh�ng (405) Atack on Adult (401) Atack on Student (402) Physically attacking an employee of the school system or other adult, including intentionally shoving, pushing, or striking a staff member who is intervening in a fight, responding to any disruptive activity, or in performance of any job duties Intentionally shoving, pushing, or otherwise being physically aggressive toward another in the context of a fight (e.g. body check, intentionally bumping, but NOT horseplay) Intentionally engaging in a fight (which may be small, spontaneous, and short, and/or result only in minor cuts, scrapes, bruises) Intentionally engaging in a fight, which may be large, disruptive, pre-planned, extended, and/or resulting in major injuries like a broken limb or otherwise especially serious based on factors including whether student acted in the heart of the moment as opposed to planning ahead, was verbally provoked, acted in self -defense, was intervening in a fight, age of student, whether fighting is persistent or habitual Firearms5 (301) Possessing a firearm, as defined in 18 U.S.C.§921 (e.g. handgun) Inappropriate Use of (802) Electronics6 Having out an electronic device after student has been warned Persistently having out an electronic device in defiance of school rules Inhalants (202) Being under the influence of inhalants2 Using/possessing inhalants Distributing/selling inhalants Other Guns (302) Possessing, using, or threatening to use a look-alike gun (e.g. water gun) Possessing, using, or threatening to use an unloaded/inoperable non-firearm gun (e.g. pellet gun, BB gun) Possessing, using, or threatening to use a loaded/operable non-firearm gun Other Weapons (303) Possessing an implement that could potentially cause injury, without intent to use it as a weapon Possessing an implement that could potentially cause injury with intent to use it as a weapon Using or threatening to use as a weapon an implement that is likely to cause serious bodily harm Serious Bodily Injury7 (408) Intentionally misbehaving in a way that unintentionally causes serious bodily injury Intentionally causing serious bodily injury Sexual Ac�vity (603) Engaging in inappropriate behavior of a sexual nature (e.g. indecent exposure, inappropriate texts of a sexual nature) Sexual Atack (601) Intentionally engaging in behavior towards another that is physically, sexually aggressive Sexual Harassment (602) Engaging in sexual harassment (e.g. intentional unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, other intentional inappropriate verbal, written, or physical conduct of a sexual nature Tardiness (102) Elementary students who are late to school should not be given any puni�ve or exclusionary consequences, but parents/guardians should b no�fied. Students arriving late to class or school will be permited entrance. Arriving late more than once to class or school without an excused reason Persistently arriving late to class or school