Level of Consequence Offense/Violation 1 2 3 4 5 Ext. OSS & Expulsion – Gr. 6-12 only Theft (803) Intentionally taking property without owner’s permission, where the taker is an elementary school student Intentionally taking property without owner’s permission Intentionally taking property without owner’s permission, where the theft is especially serious based on factors including monetary value of property, student’s knowledge of property value, plan of student, student’s age, student’s purpose for taking property, status of behavior (persistent or behavioral) Threat to Adult (403) Threat to Student (404) Expressing – orally, in writing, or by gesture – intent to do physical harm to others Engaging in persistent threats Tobacco (204) Using, possessing, or selling tobacco, tobacco products, e-cigarettes, etc. Trespassing (804) Being on school property without permission, including while on suspension or expulsion Truancy (103) Es hl eomu ledn nt aort ybset ug di veennt sa nwyi tphuunni tei xv ceuosre de xacbl us es inocneasr y c n o o n ti s f e ie q d u . ences, but parents/guardians should be Being absent from school without an excused reason8 Being truant9 8CEOxMcuAsRed13rAea.0s8o.n0s1f.o0r3absence include illness of the student, death in the student’s immediate family, hazardous weather conditions, emergencies, religious holidays, and other specified circumstances. 9bAe rs et uf edrerne td i st o“ ttrhuea“nsty”sitfesmh eoof ra chtei vies iunnt learwv ef unltliyo na b” ,s” ewn ht if cr ho me ascchh coooul nf ot yr mb ooarredt ihsarne q8 udi ar ey ds itno adneyv eqluoapr. t eMr D, 1C5OdDaEy sAiNn Na ,nEyDs Ue mC Ae Ts tIeOrN, o§r72- 03 5d5a y( as mi nean ds cehdo, eofl f ye ce tairv e( aOpcptr. o1x, i2m0a1t3e)l y. 1 0 % ) . T r u a n t s t u d e n t s h o u l d