Discipline for Activities Not Occurring on School Premises Ta nhde fWr oi mc o ms cihc oo oCl oi nu na tny aBt mo aorsdpohfe Er ed uo fc as taifoent yh. aTs hae sr ter ao rneg ms eannsye oof ff -rceasmp po un ss iabci ltiitvyi tti oe sa isns uwrhe i tchhast t sutduednetns tps acratni c igpoa tt oe wl i mh ii ct ehda rt oe esipt ho retrs dei rveecnttl sy oa tr iont dh ierre cstcl hy oao rl se, s fui letl do f t sr ci phso, ovl of luunncttei oe rn swoorr ka c ot inv i tbi ee sh.a lTf hoef s secmh oaoyl i pn rcol ugdr ae mb su tonr oct l ub be awcht ii vc hi t i he sa,veet co. c cI tu irsr er de coong nsiczhe odotlhpa rt emmai ns eyst iomr ei smapcat ci vt i ot ine ss tuhbasteoqcuceunrt oafcf tsi vc hi toi eosl pwrheimc hi s oe cs caurre oanr es sc uh lot ool f parcet mi v ii st ieess. Ssttuuddeennttss.may be disciplined for off-campus conduct that is detrimental to the best interests of the school and the Parental Right to Appeal Discipline Decisions SDtuued epnr ot sc ae rs es eennttiittlleeds tao sdt uu ed epnr ot ct eo s os rparl i oorr two raint tyedni sncoi pt ilci ne aorfy tahcet i cohnabr eg iensg, at ank ee xnpbl ay nt ha tei opnr i no cf itphael oe rv itdheeni rc de ,e as ingdn eaen. os hpopuolrdt umn ai tkye taon baep ph oe ai nr tdm. We nht ewn i tpha trhe en tpsr ihnacvi pe acl otno cdeirsncsu srse gt ha er di ri nc go ndcies rc ni psl. i Inf aarfyt earcmt i oe ne tsi nagt wt hiet hs ct hheo oplr il ne vc iepl ,a lt ht he ye pS ua rpeenr ti nst et inl ld he na st f coor nScteurdnesn, tt &h eF apma riel yn tS emr vaiyc ecsoinf ttahcet mt haet t ea rp pi sr on po rt iraet seo Dl vier de cttoo rt haensda tsi sufbascet iqoune onft ltyh et hpea rAesnsti. s tTahnet ptealreepnhto’snea.ppeal of any discipline decision may be presented to the Superintendent’s designee in writing or by Disciplinary Appeals Process Submission of Complaints or Concerns Tt horos uubgmh tithecoAmsspilsatianntts Sour pceorninc et ernnsd erengt afordr iSntgu dtheen tad&mFianmisitlryaSt ieornviocfetsh. e Co d e o f C on d uc t , co n ta c t t he P BI S o ff ic e Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Wo f iac odmi s iacboi lCi toyurnetlya tPeudbtloi ct Shcehdoios tl sr iwc ti ldl ips cr oi pvliidnea rt yi mpeollyi cri ee ss p, pornascet itcoe rs eaqnude sptrsofcoerdrueraesso. n a b l e m o d i f i c a t i o n s o n t h e b a s i s School Principal Director of School Climate and Safety Assistant Superintendent for Student & Family Services Superintendent of Schools Wicomico County Board of Education