Wicomico County Board of Education Approval Status Index Code Title: Grading, Promotion, and Retention Systems Procedure INS-SCH-PR-007 First Adopted: 07/10/90 Legal Review: 06/25/24 07/19/21 04/18/17 Approved Revisions: 07/09/24 10/10/23 07/13/22 07/20/21 08/28/19 05/09/17 04/11/95 02/09/93 Effective: 07/10/24 10/11/23 07/14/22 07/21/21 08/28/19 05/10/17 09/04/90 02/10/93 04/12/95 Page 16 of 22 WICOMICO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION P.O. BOX 1538 2424 NORTHGATE DRIVE., SUITE 3, SALISBURY, MD 21802-1538 INS-SCH-PR-007 2. Students who do not pass three or more major subjects shall be considered for retention 546 as outlined below. 547 3. When there is an indication that retention may occur, a committee appointed by the 548 principal will review all pertinent information available about the student. After 549 consultation, placement in the next grade may be an alternative to retention. Age, maturi- 550 ty, attendance, and previous retentions are considered in making this decision. The report 551 card and student record card should note PLACEMENT instead of PROMOTION. 552 4. Those students who are English Language Learners (ELL) will be provided appropriate 553 accommodations based on their Individual Learner Plan (ILP) developed by the English 554 as a Second Language (ESOL) teacher and provided to the classroom teacher. The ILP 555 will be made available through the district’s student database for all teachers assigned to 556 the ELL student. When retention of an EL is determined to be the best option, evidence 557 of multiple interventions and scaffolded instructional strategies must be documented to 558 demonstrate the student is being retained for reasons other than a lack of English 559 proficiency. 560 561 VII. High School 562 A. Grading 563 1. Expectations of the class, which include grading practices approved by the school 564 principal, should be made clear at the beginning of the year to both students and 565 parents/guardians. During the first week of class, each classroom teacher will provide, 566 review and send home with each student a written handout that contains this information 567 for that course. Parents/Guardians of students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 will be able to 568 view their child's grades on-line beginning mid-September through the last day of the 569 school year. The school office will provide parents with access directions to the electronic 570 portal. The electronic grading portal is web-based, and allows teachers, students, 571 parents/guardians, and administrators to have access to the online electronic grading portal 572 from anywhere internet access is available. 573 2. Formative assignments, or assignments that are embedded as a part of daily instruction, 574 account for 50% of a student’s grade. Examples of formative assignments include class 575 work, homework, cooperative activities, exploratory labs, exit tickets, informal writing 576 assignments, and other formative assignments determined by the teacher. Summative 577 assignments account for 50% of a student’s grade. A summative assignment occurs after 578 instruction has been completed on a given topic, standard, or unit. Examples of 579 summative assignments include unit tests, quizzes, projects, formal writing assignments, 580 lab write-ups, and other summative assignments determined by the teacher. Unsatisfactory 581 completion of a single assignment will not result in automatic failure for the marking term 582 or course but will be averaged in with other course grades in that category. Content 583 supervisors may require more specific grading criteria within these procedures for 584 respective content area teachers. 585