Wicomico County Board of Education Approval Status Index Code Title: Grading, Promotion, and Retention Systems Procedure INS-SCH-PR-007 First Adopted: 07/10/90 Legal Review: 06/25/24 07/19/21 04/18/17 Approved Revisions: 07/09/24 10/10/23 07/13/22 07/20/21 08/28/19 05/09/17 04/11/95 02/09/93 Effective: 07/10/24 10/11/23 07/14/22 07/21/21 08/28/19 05/10/17 09/04/90 02/10/93 04/12/95 Page 22 of 22 WICOMICO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION P.O. BOX 1538 2424 NORTHGATE DRIVE., SUITE 3, SALISBURY, MD 21802-1538 INS-SCH-PR-007 equivalent to college courses. 748 21. Promotion/Retention 749 a. Students entering 9th grade prior to the fall of 2021 must earn 21 credits to graduate. 750 Students entering 9th grade in the 2021-2022 school year and beyond must earn 22 751 credits to graduate. 752 b. Students will be promoted to tenth grade when they have earned four (4) credits, to 753 eleventh grade when they have earned nine (9) credits, and to twelfth grade when 754 they have earned fourteen (14) credits. 755 c. Students who fail major courses have the option to make up a maximum of two of 756 those courses, if offered, in summer school. 757 d. Formal retention does not exist at the high school level. Promotion is based entirely 758 on number of credits as outlined above. 759 e. Class standing is determined prior to the start of the school year and remains in effect 760 during that year. 761 f. Those students who are English Learners (EL) will be provided appropriate 762 accommodations based on their individual English Learner Plan (ELP). This plan will 763 be developed by the English as a Second Language (ESOL) teacher and will be 764 accessible through the district’s student databases for all teachers assigned to the EL. 765 766 Related Documents: 767 • INS-SCH-PL-028, Grading, Promotion, and Retention Systems Policy 768 • SFS-GEN-PL-019, Student Attendance Policy 769 • SFS-GEN-PR-002, Student Attendance Procedure 770 • COMAR 13A.06.02.01-.05 771