All qualifying elementary and secondary Multilingual Learners (MLs) attend their home schools for push in support and/or pull-out classes. Certified teachers tailor instruction to develop skills that increase English proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, which are aligned to the context of the core curriculum and the WIDA English Language Development Standards. To provide additional support to qualifying high school students new to the country and the language, the English Language Support Center offers sheltered core content classes for part of the day. All high school students enrolled in ESOL courses may earn up to two World Language completer credits. Evening High School In certain cases, current high school students can enroll in classes offered by Evening High School. Students who have previously failed a grade level and who wish to “catch up” can enroll in classes with the approval of their day school principal. Evening High School increases opportunities for area residents to become literate, regain a lost grade level in high school, pass required tests, and pursue and earn a Maryland High School Diploma. Each semester a pre-registration and formal student registration are held. Through this process, a schedule of classes is developed based upon needs of the student population. Major subject area class offerings include English, mathematics, social students and science. Elective classes are offered as need and enrollment dictate. It has been possible to offer classes in applied art, Art I, English 9-12, Algebra I, Algebra II/Trig, basic algebra, basic geometry, Foundations of American Government, U.S. History, modern world history, earth science, environmental science, physical science, biology, physical education, health, and Introduction to Technology. The evening high school offers high school classes Monday through Thursday, September until mid-June. Evening classes are scheduled from 3:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and held at the Schumaker Complex. Financial Aid Financial aid for post-secondary education is available. It may be a scholarship granted locally or from a college, university, or trade/technical school. The best source for financial aid is the financial aid officer at the institution your student plans to attend. Guidance counselors can help complete the required financial aid form. Financial aid workshop information is available from school guidance counselors. Middle Schools Students in sixth, seventh and eighth grades attend middle schools which encourage cooperation rather than competition. Teachers work as teams to foster students ‘success. All middle school students are required to take physical education and health. As well, all students study English, reading, math, science, and social studies. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to study either art, music, band, chorus or orchestra. Family and consumer science, technology education, exploratory foreign language, and computer are available courses of study, as well. Advanced students may take math and world language courses during middle school while earning high school credit.