Wicomico County Board of Education Approval Status Index Code Title: Student Attendance Policy SFS-GEN-PL-019 First Adopted: 08/09/77 Legal Review: 07/29/24 08/13/19 08/01/17 Approved Revisions: 07/30/24 08/13/19 08/08/17 05/13/14 03/14/13 10/10/07 06/11/02 07/12/94 03/10/88 08/01/85 12/13/83 Effective: 07/31/24 07/14/19 08/09/17 05/14/14 03/15/13 10/10/07 06/11/02 07/12/94 03/10/88 08/01/85 12/13/83 08/09/77 Page 6 of 6 WICOMICO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION , P.O. BOX 1538, SALISBURY, MD 21802 SFS-GEN-PL-019 iii. Students will be given the number of days equal to the number of days absent to turn in 193 completed make-up work. When possible, assignments may be provided prior to a lawful 194 absence if requested by the parent/guardian at least two weeks in advance of the absence 195 and approved by the principal or designee. Submission of the makeup work provided 196 prior to a lawful absence is due upon the return to school unless extenuating 197 circumstances have been documented by the parent/guardian. 198 d. The make-up procedure for long-term (six (6) days or more) absence will require the 199 following: 200 i. The student/parent/guardian must request the missed assignments. 201 ii. Teachers are responsible for providing make-up work upon request for students who are 202 lawfully or unlawfully absent. 203 iii. A reasonable timeline for the completion of the work will be established by the teacher. 204 G. Rewards and Incentives for Regular School Attendance 205 The superintendent of schools, or designee, shall develop a reward process which includes an 206 identified motivational program to reward regular school attendance. 207 H. Attendance During Virtual Instruction 208 1. Students will be held accountable for attendance during virtual instruction. 209 2. The superintendent of schools, or designee, will establish procedures for recording and 210 monitoring attendance on synchronous and asynchronous days of instruction. 211 I. Appeals – Parents/guardians and/or students who wish to appeal attendance decisions not 212 resolved at the school level may appeal to the Superintendent or designee. 213 J. If the attendance decision is not resolved by the Superintendent of Schools, the decision may be 214 appealed to the WCBOE. 215 216 The Superintendent of Schools is directed to develop procedures to implement this policy. 217 218 219 Related Documents: 220 • SFS-GEN-PR-002, Student Attendance Procedure 221 • INS-SCH-PL-028, Grading, Promotion and Retention Systems Policy 222 • INS-SCH-PR-007, Grading, Promotion and Retention Systems Procedure 223 • WCPS Prolonged State of Emergency Virtual Education Plan 224 • MD Education Code § 7-301 through § 7-302.2 225 • MD Code Reg 13A.08.01.01 226 • MD Code Reg 13A.08.01.03 through 05 227