Substitute Teacher Guide 2024-2025

Maryland Healthy Working Families Act (House Bill 1) Procedures I. Purpose The purpose of these procedures is to implement the passage of the Maryland Healthy Working Families Act II. Who is Covered All employees working 26 hours or more per pay period on a regular basis who are not already receiving the minimum amount of leave reflected in these procedures, or who are covered under a collective bargaining agreement. III. What is the Maryland Healthy Working Families Act? It is a Maryland Law that went into effect on February 11, 2018. The Law provides for sick leave for employees working at least 26 hours or more per pay period on a regular basis. The employee can use this sick leave for the following reasons: • Care or treat for the employee’s own mental or physical illness, injury or condition, • Obtain preventative medical care for the employee or a family member, • Care for a family member’s mental or physical illness, injury, or condition, • Maternity or paternity leave, • Absences due to domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking during the employee’s relocation or to obtain any of the following for the employee or employee’s family member: o Medical or mental health attention, o Services from a victim services organization, o Legal services IV. Definition of a Family Member Under this Law, a family member is defined as: • Spouse, • Child(ren), including biological, foster, adopted, step, as well as any child for which the employee has legal or physical custody or guardianship, or stands in loco parentis, • Parent, including biological, foster, adopted, or step for the employee or the employee’s spouse, as well as one who was the legal guardian of or stood in loco parentis to the employee or employee’s spouse, • Grandparent, including biological, foster, adopted, or step of the employee, • Grandchild, including biological, foster, adopted, or step of the employee, • Sibling, including biological, foster, adopted, or step of the employee. V. Leave Accrual and Carryover Leave will accrue at the rate of one (1) hour for every thirty (30) hours worked. Leave accrual will begin on the date of employment, however earned leave cannot be used during the initial 106 days of employment with WCPS. The total amount of leave that may be accrued in any fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) is 40 hours. Up 40 hours of leave can be carried over into a new fiscal year. Leave may not be borrowed prior to earning, and any unused leave will not be paid out upon termination. Employees rehired within 37 weeks of leaving employment with the Board of Education will be eligible to have any unused leave reinstated that was previously available upon termination. VI. Leave Use and Notification Procedures Generally, employees should submit a request to use available leave seven (7) days’ prior to using leave. If the