Substitute Teacher Guide 2024-2025

use of leave is not foreseeable, the request must be submitted as soon as practicable, but not less than 1 ½ hours prior to the employee’s normal reporting time. If a leave request is submitted within 1 ½ hours of the reporting time, the leave request will be denied. Verification of appropriate use of leave (i.e., doctor’s note, etc.) will be required for any employee using more than 2 consecutive scheduled work days , or if leave is used between the 107th through 120th day of beginning employment. Failure to provide this verification will result in subsequent requests for leave for the same reason being denied. VII. Requesting Leave The procedures for requesting leave can be found here: For substitutes: For substitutes wishing to use sick leave for a doctor’s appointment that is in the future, and NO sub job has already been accepted for that date: Email Vicky Vanden Broecke in payroll ( to request to use either a half or whole day of sick leave for the day of the appointment. If requesting more than two consecutive days of sick leave, you must attach a doctor’s note. You will be paid for this time provided you have sufficient sick leave balance. For substitutes that fall ill after accepting a sub job, or for long term subs that are in a long-term sub job and become ill: 1. Call the Assistant Principal of the school and request to use a sick day. 2. Bookkeeper in the school will confirm (using Kronos) that the sub does in fact have sufficient sick leave balance (at least 3.5 hours of sick leave time to use a half day and 7 hours of sick leave time to use a whole day): If sufficient balance: a. School bookkeeper will put sick leave day in Kronos along with an in swipe so that the sub job will automatically pay (our sub jobs automatically pay if there is an in swipe on the same day as a job in Absence Management for that employee). Sick leave used gets pulled from Kronos to Business PLUS at the end of each pay period. b. School bookkeeper will email Vicky Vanden Broecke Kathryn Causey, and Chyral Hankerson with sub’s name and date of sick leave. If insufficient balance: c. Leave line blank in Kronos and sick sub will not receive pay for accepted job since there is no matching swipe for that day. Notify administration to remove job if single day orVicky Vanden Broecke /Kathryn Causey when LT job. Leave time will be accrued and stored in our ERP system Power School BusinessPLUS based on credit of 7 hours a day for full days worked and 3.5 hours a day for half days worked. The balance will be pushed over to Kronos twice a month as it currently is for benefitted employees through a BusinessPlus to Kronos interface.