if personalization of the employee’s identification badge has exceeded the intent of the identification badge. (Example: Employee’s appearance has been drastically altered, etc.) 6. If a badge does get misplaced or damaged to the extent it will no longer scan, the employee must request a new badge using the “Request for a New ID Badge” form. The replacement fee for the badge will be payroll deducted from the employee’s next paycheck. The replacement fee does not pertain to those badges that require issuance each school year for substitutes and contractual employees. Any required reissue for name change, location change, etc., will be done at no charge. 7. Any questionable condition of the badge will be determined by the Human Resources Department. If a badge has to be replaced numerous times due to damage or misuse by the employee, disciplinary action may result. 8. Employees are to return identification badges when they separate from employment. Failure to return an identification badge may result in the withholding of accrued salary or the employee’s separation may be considered “not in good standing” until it is turned in. 9. Anyone failing to properly wear an identification badge must be reported immediately to the building or school reception area where an administrator will question them. 10. The identification badge is intended for the sole use of the employee who is identified on the badge. An employee’s identification badge shall never be used by another employee for any reason. 11. Failure to abide by these rules and procedures may result in disciplinary action. REPORTING OF CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT POLICY & PROCEDURE SFS-GEN-PL-002, Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect Policy SFS-GEN-PR-022, Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect Procedure ACCEPTABLE USE OF TECHNOLOGY POLICY ADM-TEC-PL-004, Acceptable Use of Technology Policy ADM-TECH-PR-002, Acceptable use of Technology Procedure WCBOE SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY ADM-HRR-PL-019, WCBOE Social Media Policy ADM-HRR-PR-008, Social Media and other Electronic Communications Procedure – Employee Use TOBACCO-FREE SCHOOLS POLICY BOE-GEN-PL-011, Tobacco-Free Schools Policy COMMUNICABLE DISEASE AND BLOODBORNE PATHOGEN POLICY SFS-HEA-PL-004, Communicable Disease and Bloodborne Pathogen Policy HEPATITIS B VACCINATION STATEMENT All employees who have been identified as having exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials will be offered the hepatitis B vaccine, at no cost to the employee. The vaccine will be offered within ten (10) working days of their initial assignment to work which involves the potential for occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials. This does not apply if the employee has previously had the vaccine or wishes to submit to antibody testing which shows the employee to have sufficient immunity. Employees who decline the hepatitis B vaccine will sign a waiver. Employees who initially decline the vaccine, but who later wish to have it may then have the vaccine provided at no cost.