Substitute Teacher Guide 2024-2025

BOARD OF EDUCATION OF WICOMICO COUNTY 2424 NORTHGATE DRIVE, SUITE 100 ♦ P.O. BOX 1538 ♦ SALISBURY, MD 21802-1538 TELEPHONE 410-677-4542 FAX 410-677-4416 The Board of Education recognizes the importance of the role of the substitute teacher to the operation of an effective school system. Good substitutes are skillful and knowledgeable. Just as the regular classroom teacher must keep up with the latest methods and techniques, so must the substitute teacher. Competent substitutes enable us to provide a continuing instructional program for students. This guide is designed to help substitutes become familiar with the rules, regulations and procedures which affect all public schools in Wicomico County. Information and suggestions for planning and carrying out the instructional program of all grade levels are included. Information on policies and procedures which are related to specific schools will be provided at the individual school. This guide, coupled with help from the school administrators and classroom teachers, hopefully, will enable substitute teachers to provide the optimum help to students they will serve.