DISCIPLINE Under no circumstances are substitutes to use CORPORAL punishment or to physically or verbally abuse a student. All discipline problems the substitute cannot handle should be referred to the school office. FAILURE TO ADHERE TO THIS POLICY WILL RESULT IN YOUR REMOVAL FROM SUBSTITUTE TEACHING. As a substitute, you will be encountering many new and different situations during your time in the classroom. Regardless of the situation, you will find it most important that you quickly establish the proper atmosphere necessary for a classroom to function properly. You should manage the classroom with a good “common” sense approach and should treat students with the same respect that you expect from them. You should remember that you might return to a particular teaching situation on several occasions. If you have established your reputation as a substitute who means business, your teaching days will be most enjoyable. Should you be confronted with a disciplinary problem you cannot handle, contact the school principal or assistant principal immediately. If a student is creating a problem that warrants his immediate removal from the class, do so only after you direct him to report to the school office. You should notify the school office immediately by sending a note stating the particular problem (with another student). NEVER LEAVE STUDENTS UNATTENDED!! Suggested ways to avoid discipline problems: 1. Do what you say you will do–be consistent 2. Idle threats are just that; avoid making them. 3. Losing your cool only adds to the problem. 4. Create an atmosphere conducive to learning. 5. You, the substitute teacher, are in charge of the class; verbal battles and power struggles should be avoided. 6. Show an interest in the students and the things they consider important. 7. Retain your sense of good humor–smile! 8. Keep the voice well modulated (loudness on your part is conducive to loudness on their part). 9. Always expect the best from the students. 10. Be patient, friendly, understanding, fair and firm. 11. Prepare well-planned lessons. 12. Maintain a good personal appearance. 13. Have proper heat, ventilation and light.