11 Domain 1: Planning and Preparation LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE Component INEFFECTIVE DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE HIGHLY EFFECTIVE 1d: Designing and Utilizing Student Assessments The teacher does not use assessments aligned to the curriculum. The teacher uses assessments that are aligned to the curriculum. The teacher uses a variety of assessments that are aligned to the curriculum, clearly communicates the standards of the assessments to the students. The teacher uses a variety of assessments that are aligned to the curriculum, adapts the assessments to individual student needs and clearly communicates the standards of the assessments to the students. The teacher does not use assessment results in designing future instruction. The teacher uses assessment results to plan for future instruction for the class as a whole. The teacher uses assessment results to make instructional decisions for groups of students. The teacher uses multiple assessment results to plan for individuals, groups of students, and the class as a whole. Domain 2: The Classroom Environment LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE Component INEFFECTIVE DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE HIGHLY EFFECTIVE 2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Classroom interactions among the teacher and individual students are not respectful and do not reflect caring and sensitivity to students’ cultures and levels of development. Classroom interactions among the teacher and individual students are generally respectful and free from conflict but may be characterized by occasional displays of insensitivity or lack of responsiveness to cultural or developmental differences among students. Classroom interactions among the teacher and individual students are respectful and reflect caring and sensitivity to students’ cultures and levels of development. The teacher addresses and intervenes when conflicts or misunderstandings occur. Classroom interactions among the teacher and individual students are respectful and reflect caring and sensitivity to students’ cultures and levels of development. The teacher addresses and intervenes when conflicts or misunderstandings occur. The teacher takes proactive measures to achieve civility among members of the class. 2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning The teacher does not convey enthusiasm for the content and is not working toward establishing high expectations for learning. The teacher conveys enthusiasm for the content and is working toward establishing high expectations for learning. The teacher conveys enthusiasm for the content and encourages students’ active participation in their learning. The teacher establishes and maintains high expectations for learning. The teacher conveys enthusiasm for the content and encourages students’ active participation in their learning. The teacher and students work together to establish and maintain high expectations for learning.