14 Domain 3: Instruction LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE Component INEFFECTIVE DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE HIGHLY EFFECTIVE 3d: Providing Feedback to Students The teacher’s feedback to students is of poor quality and is not given in a timely manner. The teacher provides limited feedback to students and its timeliness is inconsistent. The teacher’s feedback to students is of consistent high quality and timely. The teacher’s feedback to students is of consistent high quality, timely and provides students with suggestions for improvement. 3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness The teacher does not adjust instruction to respond to students’ questions, needs or levels of proficiency even when a change will clearly improve a lesson. The teacher attempts to adjust instruction to accommodate students’ questions, needs or levels of proficiency but may lose the instructional focus. The teacher adjusts instruction to accommodate students’ questions, needs or levels of proficiency while maintaining instructional focus. The teacher adjusts instruction to accommodate students’ questions, needs or levels of proficiency while maintaining instructional focus. The teacher responds to opportunities to enhance learning through use of an extensive repertoire of strategies. 3f: Demonstrating Utilization of Resources The teacher does not utilize available school resources and does not seek assistance in learning about those resources. The teacher makes limited use of available school resources and seeks assistance in learning about additional resources. The teacher utilizes available school resources and knows how to gain access to other resources. The teacher utilizes a variety of available school resources and accesses other resources to enhance instruction. Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities (Used only as part of the Evaluation) LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE Component INEFFECTIVE DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE HIGHLY EFFECTIVE 4a: Reflecting on Instructional Effectiveness The teacher does not accurately assess the effectiveness of instruction and has no ideas about how it could be improved. The teacher’s reflection on the effectiveness of instruction is more subjective than objective and does not cite specific evidence of student learning. The teacher recognizes improvement is needed but has limited strategies to improve instruction. The teacher reflects on the effectiveness of instruction based on student learning. The teacher identifies the need for specific alternative instructional options for future teaching. The teacher may make some specific suggestions as to how instruction might be improved. The teacher’s reflection on instruction is thoughtful and accurate, citing specific evidence based on student learning. The teacher draws on an extensive repertoire to suggest alternative strategies as to how instruction might be improved.