15 Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE Component INEFFECTIVE DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE HIGHLY EFFECTIVE 4b: Maintaining Accurate Records Aligned to WCPS Policies The teacher’s system for maintaining records is in disarray, resulting in errors or confusion. Lack of access to information by teacher, families, and students impedes instruction. Technology is not used, or is used inappropriately. The teacher has systems for maintaining records, but the system is rudimentary, and inefficiencies and inaccuracies may occur. The teacher, families, and students lack timely access to information. Technology is used to support record keeping. The teacher’s systems for maintaining records are efficient, accurate, and confidential. The teacher makes effective use of technology. The teacher, families, and students have timely access to information. The teacher’s system for maintaining records provides information to teacher, families, and students that is accurate, timely, confidential, and detailed. Technology is used efficiently. 4c: Communicating with Families The teacher’s communication with families about the instructional program is nonexistent or the teacher makes no attempt to engage families about individual student progress. The teacher has limited communication with families about the instructional program. The teacher makes sporadic attempts to engage families about individual student progress. The teacher provides information about the instructional program and makes an effort to engage families about individual student progress. The teacher provides information about the instructional program and consistently makes an effort to engage families about individual student progress in a variety of ways. 4d: Participating in a Professional Community The teacher avoids participation in collaborative teams or professional learning communities during the duty day (or compensated time) or subverts the work of the group. The teacher inconsistently participates in collaborative teams/professional learning communities during the duty day (or compensated time). The teacher participates in collaborative teams/professional learning communities meeting during the duty day (or compensated time) on a regular basis, contributing to group analysis of student achievement and to instructional and assessment planning. The teacher participates in collaborative teams/professional learning communities during the duty day (or compensated time), making contributions toward group learning and individual learning. The teacher takes initiative in assuming formal and/or informal leadership in the group’s work. The teacher’s relationships with colleagues are negative or unprofessional. The teacher maintains professional relationships with colleagues. The teacher maintains professional, cooperative, and supportive relationships with colleagues. The teacher maintains professional, cooperative, and supportive relationships with colleagues. The teacher takes initiative in assuming leadership among the faculty.