23 Wicomico County Public Schools Student Learning Objective (SLO) Template - Teacher SLO Component Description Instructional Interval Describe the length of the instructional period for this SLO. Explain why this instructional period was chosen and is appropriate for the SLO. Academic Goal Summarize the long-term academic goal for student learning. (Not Scored) Strategies Describe the key instructional strategies to be used to support students in reaching the growth target for this SLO and why they were chosen. Learning Content Describe the content focus for this SLO. Include reference(s) to the Maryland College and Career Ready Standards, Wicomico curriculum, international, national, state, local, and/or industry standards. Why are these particular standards targeted? Data Review and Baseline Data Principal Summarize specific data (e.g., current student learning data including baseline data, historical data of current students’ past performance, and historical data of previous classes’ performance). Be sure to cite the source of the data and how it supports your choice of the students to be targeted, the growth and/or achievement targets, and the selected learning content. Input pre-assessment data, if applicable, for each student prior to the approval process. Evidence of Achievement or Growth (Final Data) Upload copies of the materials used to assess student learning on this SLO if not linked to an assessment in eDoctrina. Provide accurate scoring tools, rubrics, and/or answer keys if needed. Be sure the assessment(s) is(are): • Aligned to the learning content • Challenge students with higher order and/or performance items • Different if using pre-/ post-assessments Student Population Principal Select the names of the students included for this SLO by choosing the course with scheduled students. eDoctrina will automatically calculate the percentage of students targeted. Explain why you are targeting these specific students for this SLO including any of their relevant characteristics such as their performance level, abilities, needs, experiences, and interests. Achievement or Growth Target Principal Describe the expectations for individual student growth targets for the students included in this SLO. Explain how and why the achievement or growth targets were chosen. Include a target score for each student that clearly shows pre-assessment results (if applicable). Without pre-assessment data, explain rationale for the target score(s) selected. Target Attainment Principal Sample Attainment Numbers Define the target attainment for student achievement or growth for the students included in this SLO. That is, use the knowledge you gleaned during the Data Review and your knowledge of the depth of content and skills students must exhibit on the post-assessment to identify the percentage of students that must meet the SLO growth target to reach Full Attainment. Explain how you arrived at the full attainment percentage based on baseline data and how close students are relative to the desired achievement or growth target or historical data. Full Attainment (25 points) Partial Attainment (18.75 Pts) Insufficient Attainment (12.50 points)