24 Disputes Regarding SLO Approval Should an instance occur in which an administrator and teacher cannot reach agreement that a submitted SLO meets the requirements to be approved, the following procedures will be implemented: • The component involved in the disagreement will be identified by the administrator and/or teacher. • The administrator will contact the content supervisor or coordinator (if not already involved) to help resolve the disagreement. • Should the disagreement continue to be unresolved, the administrator or teacher may request the SLO be reviewed by either the Director of Elementary Education or Director of Secondary Education for a final resolution. • The teacher has the right to submit written comments and to have those written comments attached to the SLO. Adding and Removing Students (Student Challenges) after SLO Approval Teachers may not add any students to the SLO after the SLO is approved. Teachers may request the removal of students from an SLO by issuing a challenge for the student via the eDoctrina Evaluation/SLO Dashboard. • Issued if a student has withdrawn, moved to another class or team, or was placed in another setting (i.e., Choices Academy or ED classroom). Administrators will view the challenge once submitted via the eDoctrina SLO. The type of challenge may be completed at any time during the year. • Issued if a teacher believes a student’s attendance is to blame for the student’s poor performance. Administrators will view the challenge once it is moved from approved to principal review. This type of challenge may be completed at any time during the year. The teacher must provide supporting data and rationale in the comments. It is strongly suggested that administrators not act upon attendance challenges until the end of the SLO instructional time period. If a teacher challenges one student due to absentee days, the teacher must be consistent and remove others with the same number of days. This prevents cases where only certain students would be eliminated from the SLO. Waiting until the end of the SLO time period will give the administrator a chance to see the whole picture as it relates to attendance challenges. • Issued if a teacher believes a student’s behavior is to blame for the student’s poor performance. Administrators will view the challenge once submitted via the Principal Review. This type of challenge may be completed at any time during the year. The teacher must provide supporting data and rationale in the comments. • It is the teacher’s responsibility to request removal of students and present appropriate evidence for the request. Administrators may or may not approve the requests after reviewing the evidence. Target Attainment Challenges after SLO Approval Teachers may request a change to the Target Attainment criteria by issuing a challenge to the Target Attainment via an email to the principal. Administrators will view the challenge once submitted via the email. It is the teacher’s responsibility to present appropriate evidence for the request. Administrators may or may not approve the requests after reviewing the evidence. If approved, the principal will return the approved