1 Teacher Observation and Evaluation Which Teachers Are Impacted by the Evaluation System? In 2012, the Maryland State Board of Education approved a change to COMAR regarding the evaluation of teachers. The definition for “teacher” is defined in the regulation as follows: Teacher: Any individual certificated by MDSE as defined in COMAR 13A.12.02. as a teacher who delivers instruction and is responsible for a student or group of students academic progress in a Pre-K-12 public school setting, subject to local system interpretation. COMAR Section 13A.12.02. includes certification in early childhood (prekindergarten-grade 3), certification in elementary education (grades 1-6), certification in middle school education (grades 4-9), certification in general secondary academic areas (grades 7-12), data processing (business) (grades 7-12), family and consumer sciences/career technology education (grades 7-12), health occupations education (grades 7-12), marketing education- teacher-coordinator (grades 7-12), social studies (grades 7-12), technology education (grades 7-12), trades and industry (grades 7-12), work-based learning coordinator (grades 7-12), other academic subjects (grades 7-12), certification in specialty areas (prekindergartengrade 12), English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) (prekindergarten-grade 12), certification in special education, hearing impaired, severely and profoundly disabled, and visually impaired, certification in American Sign Language (prekindergarten-grade 12); mathematics instructional leader (prekindergarten-grade 6); mathematics instructional leader (grades 4-9); and, specialized professional areas. Specialists positions listed in COMAR 13A.12.03 which include: guidance counselors, media specialists, pupil personnel workers, reading specialists, reading teachers, pyschometrists, school psychologists, therapists (occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech-language pathologists, or audiologists), school social workers, and gifted and talented education specialists are NOT included in this regulation. The only exception would be if the individual delivers instruction, and is responsible for a group of students’ academic progress in a Pre-K-12 public school setting, subject to local school system interpretation. In Wicomico County, the following positions are included under the evaluation system per COMAR 13A.12.02: 1. Art Teacher 2. Band Teacher 3. Biology Teacher 4. Business Education Teacher 5. Chemistry Teacher 6. Choral Teacher 7. Computer Education Teacher 8. Earth Science Teacher 9. Elementary Certificated Media Specialist 10. English Teacher 11. English/Language Arts Teacher 12. Environmental Science Teacher 13. ESOL Teacher 14. Family & Consumer Science Teacher 15. French Teacher 16. Grade 1 Teacher 17. Grade 2 Teacher 18. Grade 3 Teacher 19. Grade 4 Teacher 20. Grade 5 Teacher 21. Health Education Teacher 22. History Teacher 23. Kindergarten Teacher 24. Latin Teacher 25. Math Teacher 26. Music Teacher