25 SLO back to the draft status. The teacher will edit the target attainment to the agreed targets and move to Principal Review; the principal will move the revised SLO back to the Initial Review status. Early SLO Completion Teachers who wish to finalize an SLO prior to the end of the stated instructional period may request a conference with the administrator as soon as the final assessment results have been populated/ uploaded in the eDoctrina SLO Dashboard. Teachers Hired after the Beginning of the School Year Teachers hired on or after October 1 will receive a performance review on only the professional practice components of the evaluation at the end of the school year. Teachers hired on or after October 1 will not be required to submit/complete SLOs during their first year. Teachers on Approved Leave • Teachers on approved leave who begin the school year after the first day of school will not be required to submit SLOs until 5 weeks from the first day they return to work. • Teachers who know they will be on approved leave at the end of the school year should plan their SLO instructional period so as to be finished with SLO implementation and data collection prior to their anticipated last day of work. • Teachers present less than 50% of the time period between October 1 and April 30 will not be required to complete SLOs for the school year. If student growth results exist for the teacher from the previous year, those results will be carried forward for the evaluation during the current year. If student growth results do not exist for the teacher from the previous year, only professional practice results will be used for the evaluation during the current year. The professional practice results may be from the prior year if current year results are not available. • Situations not covered by one or more of the above scenarios will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the building principal. Such decisions are encouraged to be made collaboratively. Appeals made be submitted to the appropriate Director should a mutual agreement not be reached. Tips for Using eDoctrina SLO Dashboard • The benefit of using the eDoctrina Evaluation/SLO Dashboard comes when SLO’s are developed using assessments with existing scoring tools housed within the Assessments and Data Reporting Dashboard. Using one of these assessments as the teacher’s Evidence of Growth will complete the SLO for both the teacher and principal when the assessment answers are scanned in to eDoctrina. Data will automatically populate the students’ scores, figure the percentage meeting the goal and score the teacher SLO as Full, Partial or Insufficient. • When teachers are not using assessments housed within the eDoctrina Assessment Data Reporting Dashboard, all data must be entered by the teacher, just as was done when using the Evaluation Portal. While this is still an option, it requires considerably more work for the teacher.