27 Teachers may complete 2-4 SLOs with each SLO weighted equally. SLOs are scored as Full Attainment (earns 100% of the points possible), Partial Attainment (earns 75% of the points possible), Insufficient Attainment (earns 50% of the points possible), or Incomplete (earns 0% of the points possible). SLO Attainment Level # Points Earned Per SLO 2 SLOs 25 pts each 3 SLOs 16.67 pts each 4 SLOs 12.5 pts each Full Attainment (earns 100% of pts possible) 25.00 16.67 12.50 Partial Attainment (earns 75% of pts possible) 18.75 12.50 9.38 Insufficient Attainment (earns 50% of pts possible) 12.50 8.34 6.25 Incomplete (earns 0% of pts possible) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Appeal Procedures Teachers and principals have the right to submit written comments and reactions with any observation and/or evaluation report. Lesson Plans Except as required by specific program guidelines, the format for lesson plans will be determined by the teacher. During any instructional period, the teacher’s performance in the implementation of the lesson should provide observable evidence that the teacher’s plans are adequate. If, during the classroom observation of a teacher, there is a lack of observable evidence of adequate planning, as determined by the observer, the teacher may be required to develop detailed plans in the form requested by the observer for future lessons. Performance Improvement Plan Process An employee may be placed on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) at any time following documented meeting(s), including but not limited to post-observation conference(s), in which concerns are shared. The appropriate administrator and the employee will meet. The employee is encouraged to provide input/feedback on the development of the PIP which will be taken into consideration by the appropriate administrator. The documentation must be signed by the employee, indicating receipt, and the appropriate administrator(s). It is the responsibility of the employee to work to improve the noted weakness (es), and as such, the employee may request a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) review conference at any time during the duration of the plan. The appropriate administrator and the employee will meet on a monthly basis to discuss the progress made under the PIP. A PIP will have an initial maximum duration of 90 days and a minimum duration of 30 days. Utilizing the WCBOE PIP template, the written PIP shall include the following: 1. Statement of the problem(s) or concern(s) related to areas of documented unsatisfactory performance of the employee 2. Statement of improvement(s) including specific, measurable action steps or strategies 3. Provisions for assisting the employee including: • who is responsible; • the frequency of the action steps or strategies; • the timeline documentation; and,