29 refuse to sign the report, documentation by the appropriate administrative/supervisory staff member(s) should be attached indicating such. Subsequent to notification that a second-class rating may be recommended, if the ineffective rating is based upon classroom performance, the teacher will be observed at least once each month by the administrative/supervisory staff of the school system. Each of the required observations will be followed by a conference and a written record indicating effective or ineffective performance. If the deficiency is related directly to instruction, the appropriate director will accompany the principal on at least one classroom visit. If the ineffective rating is the result of some other aspect of the teacher's responsibilities, the principal and other appropriate administrative/supervisory personnel will confer with the teacher each month. If the teacher's performance continues to be ineffective, the following will occur: 1. Prior to June 1, the appropriate administrative/supervisory staff member(s) will inform the teacher in a scheduled meeting that a second-class rating will be recommended to the superintendent of schools. The reasons for recommending the second-class rating will be reviewed. A written record of the meeting will become a part of the teacher's personnel file. 2. Not later than June 1, the superintendent of schools shall be notified, in writing, that a secondclass rating is being recommended. 3. Not later than June 10, the superintendent of schools will inform the teacher of the recommendation and advise of the right to a hearing before the superintendent of schools concerning the matter. 4 If the teacher wishes a hearing before the superintendent of schools, the teacher must make the request, in writing, to the superintendent of schools on or before June 20. Upon receipt of the request, the superintendent of schools will notify the teacher within 5 working days of the time and place of the hearing. 5. No later than July 15, the superintendent of schools will notify the teacher, in writing, whether or not a second-class rating will become effective at the beginning of the next school year and that he/she will not be eligible to receive a salary increment. ('6-301(h) Annotated Code of Maryland) 6. Within 10 days after receipt of notification from the superintendent of schools concerning the second-class rating, the teacher may request, in writing, a hearing before the Board of Education of Wicomico County.