30 Procedure for Evaluating Teachers with a Second-Class Rating A teacher rated second class will be observed and/or conferred with monthly by the appropriate administrative/supervisory staff. If the second-class rating resulted from deficiencies in the classroom instruction, the appropriate director along with the principal and/or instructional supervisor, will observe the teacher's performance at least once during each semester while the teacher is on second class rating. A written summary will be made of all observations and conferences which will include an effective or ineffective rating and will become a part of the teacher's personnel file. Teachers rated second class will be evaluated at the end of each semester by the appropriate administrative/supervisory personnel in accordance with the established evaluation procedures for non-tenured teachers. Not later than May 1, the appropriate administrative/supervisory personnel will notify the teacher, in writing, of the recommendation of status that will be made for the ensuing year. The recommendation will be one of the following: 1. The teacher be reinstated to first class status. 2. The teacher remain on second class status. 3. The teacher be dismissed. Not later than May 15, the superintendent of schools will review the recommendations submitted and inform the teacher that the status for the ensuing year will be one of the following: 1. The teacher be reinstated to first class status. 2. The teacher remain on second class status. 3. The teacher be dismissed. If the teacher wishes a hearing before the superintendent of schools concerning the assigned status for the ensuing year, the teacher must make the request, in writing, to the superintendent of schools on or before May 30. Upon receipt of the request, the superintendent of schools will notify the teacher within five school days of the time and place of the hearing. Not later than June 30, the superintendent of schools will notify the teacher, in writing, of the results of the hearing. Within ten days after receipt of the results of the hearing with the superintendent of schools, the teacher may request, in writing, a hearing before the Board of Education of Wicomico County. General Exception If, in the judgment of the superintendent of schools, a teacher's performance is less than effective at any time, the superintendent may elect to rate the teacher's certificate second class without regard to the procedure described above.