2 27. Orchestra Teacher 28. Physical Education Teacher 29. Physical Science Teacher 30. Physics Teacher 31. Pre-K Teacher 32. Psychology Teacher 33. Science Teacher 34. Social Studies Teacher 35. Spanish Teacher 36. Special Education Teacher 37. Technology Education Teacher 38. TI/Automotive Technology Teacher 39. TI/ Carpentry Teacher 40. TI/ Child Care Teacher 41. TI/Collision Repair Teacher 42. TI/Computer Drafting & Design Teacher 43. TI/Computer Repair Teacher 44. TI/ Cosmetology Teacher 45. TI/ Criminal Justice Teacher 46. TI/ Culinary Arts Teacher 47. TI/ Electricity Teacher 48. TI/ Electronics Teacher 49. TI/ Geriatric Nursing Teacher 50. TI/ Health Occupations Teacher 51. TI/Horticulture Teacher 52. TI/ HVAC Teacher 53. TI/Manufacturing Teacher 54. TI/ Masonry Teacher 55. TI/Plumbing Teacher 56. TI/ Welding Teacher Specialist positions as defined in COMAR 13A.12.03 that are not included in the new evaluation system in Wicomico County include: 1. 3YO-PreK TeacherA 2. 3YO-SPED TeacherA 3. Athletic TrainerB 4. Behavior Intervention TeacherB 5. Dean of StudentsC 6. Family Involvement SpecialistB 7. Hearing Impaired TeacherB 8. Infant/Toddler Program TeacherB 9. Intervention Teacher (Curriculum) A 10. JROTC TeacherA 11. Life Skills Teacher (Alt Ed) A 12. Media SpecialistsC 13. Mentor TeacherC 14. Professional Development CoachC 15. Reading SpecialistA 16. School Assessment FacilitatorB 17. School CounselorC 18. Social WorkerB 19. Special Education FacilitatorB 20. Special Education Program SpecialistB 21. Science/STEM Resource TeacherB 22. Student AdvisorC 23. TAD TeacherA 24. Teachers at Choices Academy (Alt Ed) A 25. Therapist (Occupation, Physical, Speechlanguage, Audiologist) B 26. TI/Work Based CoordinatorB 27. Vision Impaired TeacherB 28. Vocational Support/Diversified Occupations TeacherB Notes:A Evaluation is based upon Domains 1-4 of the teacher evaluation tool only .B Evaluation is based upon Domain 4 of the teacher evaluation tool plus a narrative. C Evaluation tool for this position may be found in the Appendix