36 OUTCOME Rating Scale: INEFFECTIVE (1 point): The Dean has not yet begun to address this outcome. DEVELOPING (2 points): The Dean has addressed this outcome with some success. EFFECTIVE (3 points): The Dean has addressed this outcome with consistent success. HIGHLY EFFECTIVE (4 points): The Dean has addressed this outcome with consistent success resulting in evidence of systemic or individual improvements within the school. LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE *INEFFECTIVE *DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE HIGHLY EFFECTIVE 1. Accesses and uses multiple sources of data to facilitate the improvement of student achievement, attendance, and behavior by • Being an active participant in conversations as to how standards, curriculum, research-based instructional strategies, and assessments are aligned and integrated into instruction • Reviewing disaggregated academic, attendance, and behavior data 2. Facilitates a safe, secure, and orderly school environment by • Managing student behavior • Handling discipline referrals in a timely and effective manner • Participating on the Student Services Team • Assisting in the management of safety protocols • Supervising co-curricular and extra-curricular events 3. Assists in the management of the school (e.g., maintaining calendars, facility usage, scheduling substitutes and class coverage) 4. Coordinates special programs as assigned 5. Promotes the alignment of all aspects of the school culture with the school’s vision to support student and adult learning by • Collaborating with stakeholder groups to translate the school vision into daily activities and practice • Developing mutual respect, teamwork, and trust in dealings with students, staff, and parents • Fostering high expectations for all students and teachers in a culture of continuous improvement • Participating actively on the Principal’s Leadership Team 6. Engages in professional development to address staff, student, and personal needs by • Assisting in facilitating professional development aligned with the Maryland Teacher Professional Development Standards to address identified curricular, instructional, and assessment needs aligned to school improvement goals as requested • Engaging in professional development activities to improve personal skills and knowledge • Serving on State and/or school system committees, task forces, initiatives, etc. 7. Establishes positive relationships to build community, foster trust, and resolve conflicts by • Welcoming parents and caregivers to the school, encouraging them to participate, and providing information and materials to help their children learn • Working to resolve conflicts among stakeholders to improve student success • Building positive interpersonal relationships and/or team building to foster a positive school climate • Facilitating communication among stakeholders Dean of Students Evaluation Tool