3 TEACHER OBSERVATION AND EVALUATION (Refer to the current Negotiated Agreement between the Wicomico County Board of Education and the Wicomico County Education Association). Non Tenured Teachers Observation Classroom observations of teachers’ professional practice will be conducted by certificated individuals who have completed training that includes identification of teaching behaviors that result in student growth and are consistent with COMAR 13A(.07)(4.1). Classroom observers will use the rubrics for Domains 1, 2 and 3 (Planning and Preparation, The Classroom Environment, and Instruction) of the Professional Practice component. First, second and third year (non-tenured) teachers in Wicomico County will be observed at least four (4) times during the school year by administrative and/or supervisory personnel designated by the superintendent of schools or designee. These observations shall be either announced or unannounced and of sufficient time to adequately appraise the classroom or instructional activity. Evaluation of teachers will be completed only by certified administrators and/or supervisors. Certificated employees who have achieved tenure in another Maryland public school system, will be awarded tenure one year from the effective date of employment on the first day of the teacher’s second year with an effective evaluation and current MD Educator Certificate. Within ten (10) school days following any classroom observation, a conference will be held between the observer(s) and the teacher. At this conference, the observation shall be discussed and any criticisms, favorable comments, or recommendations will be given by the observer(s). The teacher shall be given an opportunity to explain any techniques or methods employed in the observed lesson. A written report of this observation and conference shall be submitted to the teacher within a reasonable period of time. Evaluation A formal evaluation including a conference shall be made at least once each semester for each non-tenured teacher. Each non-tenured teacher will receive a performance review report during the mid-year conference which will be based upon a minimum of two observations by at least two different individuals. In the event of an ineffective rating, the second evaluation conference should be scheduled before April 15. The final evaluation shall be based on the conclusions and assessments reached by at least two (2) administrative and/or supervisory personnel and if appropriate to the position, the student growth components of the annual teacher evaluation tool.