4 The evaluation shall be based upon the observation of the teacher's performance and may include but not be limited to the following: a. The teacher's ability to successfully reflect on their instructional effectiveness b. The teacher's ability to maintain accurate records aligned to WCPS policies c. The teacher's efforts in communicating with families. d. The teacher's willingness to participate in a professional community e. The teacher's efforts in growing and developing professionally f. The teacher's demonstration of professionalism The overall yearly assessment by administrative and/or supervisory personnel will clearly indicate a highly effective, effective or ineffective rating. A written evaluation report shall be given to the teacher within a reasonable period of time after the conference. The evaluation will be written by one of the administrative and/or supervisory personnel and signed by both indicating they have reviewed the letter. The teacher shall sign the report and receive a copy. The teacher's signature will not necessarily indicate agreement with the evaluation. The teacher may submit within a reasonable period of time written comments and reactions which will be attached to the evaluation report. When deemed necessary, the Superintendent of Schools reserves the right to conduct an evaluation of any Unit I employee at times other than those specified above and, if appropriate, may rate the employee second class. Tenure Tenure is a right granted to a teacher with a Standard Professional or Advanced Professional Certificate who has successfully passed a period of probationary service and elects to continue in a teaching position in the school system. The probationary period for a teacher holding a professional certificate is three years. During this time, the teacher will be periodically observed and evaluated by the principal and supervisor(s). An eligible teacher is placed on tenure by the county superintendent after a study of the recommendations by the respective principal and supervisor(s). In order to remain on tenure, the teacher must hold a valid professional certificate. Tenure is not transferable from one county system to another. A teacher who does not meet professional certificate renewal requirements will be issued a provisional certificate which means that the teacher no longer has tenure. Teachers with provisional certificates are employed on a one-year basis and are not eligible for tenure.