Teacher Evaluation Handbook 2024-2025

51 The overall evaluation rating is: ___________________ Professional Development Coach Evaluation Tool Outcome LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE INEFFECTIVE The coach has not yet begun to address this outcome. DEVELOPING The coach has addressed this outcome with some success. EFFECTIVE The coach has addressed this outcome with consistent success. HIGHLY EFFECTIVE The coach has addressed this outcome with consistent success and it is reflected in the coach’s practice. Outcome 3: Fulfill professional responsibilities by • Establishing professional goals and pursuing opportunities to grow professionally • Reflecting on the effectiveness of coaching practice and program • Maintaining accurate records aligned to WCPS policies • Participating actively in collaborative teams/professional learning communities • Demonstrating a high level of ethics, confidentiality, and professionalism in dealings with both students and colleagues and complying fully with school system and school regulations • Developing curriculum, resource materials, and assessments as requested • Using coaching and collaboration time effectively Total Points