6 Tenured teachers will be evaluated on both professional practice and student growth in the first year of their evaluation cycle. If in the first year of the evaluation cycle a tenured teacher is determined to be highly effective or effective, then in the second year of the evaluation cycle the tenured teacher will be evaluated using the professional practice rating from the prior year and student growth based on the most recent available data. If in the second year of the evaluation cycle a tenured teacher is determined to be highly effective or effective, then in the third year of the evaluation cycle, the tenured teacher will be evaluated using the professional practice rating from the prior year and student growth based on the most recent available data. In the fourth year of the evaluation cycle, tenured teachers will be evaluated on both professional practice and student growth. The cycle will continue as described above. In any year, a principal may determine, or a teacher may request, that the evaluation be based on a new review of professional practice along with student growth. Any overall evaluation of ineffective will result in an evaluation the following year. A written evaluation report will be given to the teacher within a reasonable period of time after the conference. The evaluation report will be completed and signed by at least two administrative and/or supervisory personnel. The teacher will sign the report and receive a copy. The teacher’s signature will not necessarily indicate agreement with the evaluation. The teacher may submit, within a reasonable period of time, written comments and reactions which will be attached to the report. When deemed necessary, the superintendent of schools reserves the right to conduct an evaluation of any Unit I employee at times other than those specified above and, if appropriate, may rate the employee second class.