Willards Student Handbook 2024-25

4 all subject areas will receive the Academic Excellence Award at the end of the year. Homework Homework is an important part of a student's total educational program. It is an extension of the daily instructional program designed to reinforce, enrich, and provide practice of skills and concepts. Students should be encouraged to view homework as part of their responsibility and follow through with its completion. Reading Challenge Each year, Willards Elementary participates in a year-long reading challenge. Although it may vary from year to year, each student is encouraged to participate in the school wide reading incentive. During the instructional day, the teachers incorporate at least 20 minutes of independent reading and ask that the students read at least 20 minutes at home. Report Cards & Progress Reports Students receive report cards four times during the school year. Four weeks into each of the four marking periods, students will receive a Progress Report. Teachers may request conferences with parents on the Progress Report or the Report Card. Parents may request a conference with the teacher at any time during the school year. Please email the teacher or call the school office to request a conference with your child’s teacher. Families of students in grades 1- 3 have the ability to register for online access to every grade their student earns through the Parent Portal. This is the teachers’ electronic grading system. Parents are encouraged to sign up for this online service to be able to view their child’s grades on every assignment throughout the school year, as well as quarterly Progress Reports and Report Cards. Automated School Telephone Calling System Wicomico County Public Schools has an automated telephone calling system. This system will call your designated telephone number to alert your family of school delays and closures due to weather, emergency situations, student absences and principal messages regarding upcoming school calendar events, projects, activities, etc. This message may also be emailed to your family if you provide the school with a valid email address on your child’s Student Personal Data and Enrollment Information form sent home on the first day of school. Guidance Services Guidance and counseling services are available to all students at Willards Elementary. Students can refer themselves or they can be referred by parents, teachers, or administrators. Students may be seen twice without parent permission. Health Services Willards Elementary School has a school-based nurse. Students who become ill or injured will report to the nurse's office with a note from the teacher. When the nurse is unavailable, students will report to the main office. Please maintain correct information on your child’s Student Personal Data and Enrollment Information form that is sent home at the beginning of the year. If contact information changes during the school year, please update the form in the school office. Please ensure that your current home, work and cell phone numbers are always on file in the office. It is necessary that you also include alternate contact names and phone numbers in case of an emergency.