Willards Student Handbook 2024-25

5 Media Center Students are encouraged to read books and use other materials available in the media center. Each classroom will have a scheduled opportunity to visit the media center. Students have an opportunity to check out books. Lessons are literature, reference, and technology based. PTA Willards Elementary PTA is designed to provide enrichment activities and support materials for our students. The PTA meets four times during the school year. Parents are encouraged to join and get involved in the activities of the PTA. The school will send a schedule and notices of such meetings, along with other information, home monthly in the “Dolphin Press”. Treats from Home Throughout the school year, celebrations occur, such as birthdays and other holidays, in which parents would like to send in treats. For the safety of all children, treats brought into school must be store bought, have an ingredients list and sealed due to the high number of children with severe food allergies. We must be able to view the list of all ingredients for their safety. Treats that do not include an ingredients label or comes in packaging unsealed will not be distributed. Birthday treats should be brought to the office and they will be shared in the classroom during a time designated by the teacher. Treats will not be shared in the cafeteria. Birthday and holiday treats need to be discussed with the teacher prior to the celebration. Instead of sugary treats, another option to have the class recognize your child’s birthday is to donate a book to our school media center in honor of your child. You may contact the school’s media specialist in advance of your child’s birthday to select a book title. This book will then include a label with your child’s name and the name of the person(s) that has donated this book in their honor. You may also ask the classroom teacher or media specialist to share this book with your child’s class so that they may be recognized.