WiHi Student Handbook 2024-2025

14 Dress Code Information • Head coverings MAY NOT BE WORN in the school buildings. • Bandanas may not be worn or displayed on school grounds. • Tops should: Cover the entire back and shoulders and cover the midriff and back when sitting and standing. • Bottoms are to be worn no lower than the NATURAL WAISTLINE. Young Men “no sagging.” • Skirts, dresses, and jumpers should be no shorter than 3 inches above the top of your knee. • Skorts and shorts should not be shorter than 5 inches above the top of your knee. Tights and leggings may only be worn under another item such as a dress which also meets the minimum length requirement. No tights or leggings may be worn as bottoms. • Please see entire dress code policy for additional details. The dress code policy is located on page 18 in the Student Handbook section.