6 CELL PHONE/ELECTRONIC DEVICES Use of cell phones and electronic devices is not permitted in classrooms during school without teacher permission. Students may carry cell phones and use before and after school. Students may silently use cell phones in the cafeteria during lunch and hallway exchanges (no talking). Students should refrain from taking pictures or video recording students/staff during the school day. Inappropriate use of a cell phone/electronic devices could result in confiscation and/or suspension from school. LAPTOPS All students will have available Dell Laptops, running the Windows-10 Operating System and Microsoft Office 365. It is expected that all students bring their assigned laptop to school every day. Laptops should be fully charged each night and it is recommended that students bring charging cords each day. Students are required to follow WCPS acceptable use policy and procedure while handling and caring for their laptop. Students must report theft, loss, or damage of the laptop to school administration immediately upon its occurrence. Students that report a broken laptop screen will be responsible for the repair or replacement at a cost of $170. A student must make a minimum payment of $30 towards the $170 before receiving an additional loaner. A similar process must be followed for other types of damages or full laptop replacement. Full replacement of a laptop is $500. DANCE CRITERIA The following criteria will be in place for all Wicomico County Public Schools high schools with regard to attendance at all school dances: GPA - 2.0 requirement per county policy CONDUCT - No OSS days served during the semester in which the dance occurs in addition to county requirements for exclusion based on cumulative OSS days GUESTS - A guest identification form must be submitted prior to purchasing a ticket. Guests must be under the age of 21 and must be in good standing with school of attendance/employer