WiHi Student Handbook 2024-2025

9 Academic Tutoring - Academic tutoring is available after school Monday-Thursday, from 3:004:00pm. The tutoring schedule is available in main office and guidance. Students staying after for tutoring may also stay for an enrichment activity from 4:00-5:00pm. Students wishing to receive a snack and transportation home at 5:00pm must sign up each day in the cafeteria during their lunch shift. Student Advisor - The student advisor is here to facilitate the resolution of conflicts and the development of human relations skills. Students may be referred to this program but are also actively encouraged to contact the conflict resolution teacher whenever he/she can be of assistance. Guidance Counseling - Each student has been assigned a guidance counselor who can provide services and counseling. Services include: academic planning, career counseling and job placement, college admission preparation, financial aid and scholarship information, MVA verification to receive a driver’s license, maintenance of cumulative records, personal counseling, testing for armed services, college, school and State of Maryland. Health Services - Students becoming ill during the school day should obtain permission to report to the nurse. Students who must take medications during the school day must adhere to the procedures outlined in the Wicomico County Policy for Administration of Medication. Lost and Found - The lost and found is located in the main office. The school is not responsible for lost items. Media Center - All students are encouraged to become lifelong learners through regular use of the media center. Students have access to print and electronic media. Students must meet all requirements and adhere to all policies contained in the Telecommunications Technology Policy. Mentoring - The Wicomico Mentoring Project involves members of the business, agency, and civic communities in nurturing relationships with our students to provide social, emotional and academic encouragement.