Westside Intermediate 2024-2025 Handbook

Welcome to your child’s agenda! Wicomico County uses the student agenda in many ways. It is a place for your child to stay organized by recording homework assignments daily and keeping track of other important dates. It is also a communication device between parents and teachers. If you have a question or comment for your child’s teacher, write it in his/her agenda and look for a reply that evening! Check your child’s agenda every night, so you can be informed when assignments are due, as well as projects and special events in the classroom. Teachers will send notes home in your child’s agenda, so be sure your child brings it home every night to be checked! We are excited and honored to have your child attend Westside Intermediate School! Please feel free to contact the school office if you have questions or need information at any time. We welcome and encourage parent involvement and look forward to seeing you in our building! -Westside Intermediate Staff SCHOOL INFORMATION Westside Intermediate School 8000 Quantico Road Hebron, MD 21830 Telephone: 410-677-5118 Fax: 410-677-5138 Website: http://wis.wcboe.org Facebook: Westside Intermediate School